Why Girls Shit Test You

2 min readJul 11, 2017


Shit tests are a way for the girl to find out if you are as cool, confident, funny as you present yourself. But in a longer relationship (girlfriend) might test you to find out if you are still striving and as strong as you were before, she has to feel safe and secure with you.

In my mind shit tests are nothing bad, it just shows how the girl is interested in me. Shit tests in longer relationships tend to strengthen you and the connection between you and her. So use shit tests to “prove” you are worth, that you are the guy she has been waiting for and that you are the guy who can handle shit being thrown at him. Next time when you accomplish something great and your girl is not impressed or acts uninterested do not worry it is just a shit test.

Girls will constantly shit test you, it goes way back to the tribal times when girl were being protected by their man in a much greater way. Put yourself into the girls shoes and ask yourself: “would you rather have a strong man who can not get defeated by some small shit being thrown at him or would you like to have a weak minded man?”…exactly you chose strong, because if he can not stand his ground and be physically strong, emotionaly self-controlled and wise then he failed.

You may be on a perfect trip, having a great time and suddenly she tests your strength by telling you the trip sucks, you must pass it or you will fall in her eyes! Do not let yourself fail these tests, even if you do fail then learn from them and you will know how to deal with it next time

Shit tests are good, they show the girl is interested in you.

So go and crush it NOW!

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed be sure to follow for more. Have a nice day.

Check me out on Instagram :@ivan_jelinic_by

