What Circle of Trust meant to me?

Izzuddin Safuan
3 min readMay 5, 2015


I just saw this sentence in twitter just now. Can’t quite remember who twit that, but it triggers me to write this post. April had been quite a hectic month for me. Lots of unexpected things had occurred. Hey, no worries folks. I will gain my strength back with each day passing by. Pray for me

But what I want to write today is about Circle of Trust. Its origin comes from Meet the Parents movie. It is a movie about a male nurse who spend his weekends at his girlfriends house and had to deal with her crazy or should I say nightmare father. Her father character played by Robert De Niro then talks about the circle of trust methodology.

Circle of Trust means a pool of person that you put unquestionable trust in them. The person that you will trust with your life.It can be family members or your friends. They are the people close to you and could mean so much to you. I also had my own circle of trust. It is a small inner circle not even reached up to 10 members yet. Recently I had moved a person out of the circle. It is not an easy decision, but it is the decision that I had to make.

The number of members can be increase and reduce at any time. Just because someone is in your life, it does not mean that they belong in the circle.

In order to get in, the person must earn your trust. Some people will include all of their family members in. There are some who include only a selected family member because there are a few that they need to be cautious with. It is safe to say that if you don’t trust them, then they are considered out of the circle

Circle of Trust is all about feeling safe. If they did something that broke your trust, then they don’t belong in the circle anymore. Your trust level will increase gradually depends on how long the person stays inside that circle. It is the basic human instinct that we will form a circle of people we know that we are comfortable and feel safe with.

Looking back when we are still kids, we might not even need to have a circle of trust. It is because things are quite simpler back then. They are no back stabbing, cheater, liars and others. As we grew older, people tend to be more complex and you develop your circle of trust to guard you from that type of mishap people. You put them out of your circle and be cautious with their every movement.

Placing someone outside your inner circle of trust does not mean that you do not trust them at all. It means that they only had little trust given to them. As the relationship grew, they will have more of your trust. Granting someone inside the circle is a serious task. Something that you might think carefully. It is more painful to be betrayed by the people who belong from the circle. They are the one who will catch you off guard.

Now tell me what circle of trust meant to you? Do you recognise each member in the circle and how they get there? It is important that you maintained a boundary for people outside your Circle of Trust

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Originally published at izzuddinsafuan.wordpress.com on May 5, 2015.



Izzuddin Safuan

We are told to remember the idea, not the man because a man can fail. He can be killed and forgotten. But hundred years later an idea can still change the world