Preparing Scenario — Unity Game 1

Super Tucano Attacker Game — Episode #01

5 min readMay 19, 2018


Step#01- Go to and download a free model for our ST :

Thanks to pjedvaj :)

Step#02-Open your Unity App; Create a Directory SuperTucano_v1 and locate it in Unity\SuperTucanoAttacker; Hit Create project;

Step#03-Now, prepare your layout window:

Step#04-Go to (1) Menu > File > (2) Save Scene AsScene_01;

Step#05-CAM setup: Select Main Camera in Hierarchy view, Set in Inspector:

Step#06-Go to Project view, create a Model folder; Copy all files from pjedvaj’s work downloaded in Step#01;

Step#07-Drag n’ Drop (1) EMB_314 inside Scene and (2) Reset it;

Step#08-Now head over to Space Shutter Tutorial page (which where I get inspired) and click Add My Assets then hit Open in Unity (you must be logged in:);

Step#09-Inside (1) Asset Store view, click (2) Import, hit (3) None, now (4) select Audio, (4) Materials, Engine_Player Prefab, and Textures assets and finally hit (6) Import;

Step#10-Transfer Project tab, now inside Prefabs drag n’ drop engines_player Visual Effect right into Emb_314 > Exhaust node; this will be the visual effect of the working super Tucano engine; use one for each side. cool!

Step#11-Run the game and locate it like this;

Step#12-Let’s create a (1) spawn missile points right (2) inside Tank, TankL and TankR nodes, Go to Hierarchy > Create Empty Child and (3) rename each GameObject as ShootSpawn_Tank, ShootSpawn_TankL and ShootSpawn_TankL; (4) Locate it in the rear point; here is my configs:

Step#13-Now go to Unity Thunder Bolt page and hit Open In Unity;

Step#14-Go to Hierarchy > Create Empty, name it (1) DrugDealer, Reset it, Drag n’ Drop a (2) Model and finally choose a (3) Texture at your taste;

Step#15-Now let’s create a scenario of the AmazonForest0; Create an Empty GameObject and rename it to Scenario, inside create a 3D Object>QUAD and set its configuration like below:

Step#16-Repeat the previous process, rename quad as AmazonForest1 and config it like:

Step#17-Repeat again the same process, rename quad as AmazonForest2 and config it likes:

Step#18-Repeat the process, rename quad as AmazonForest3 and config it like:

Step#19-Repeat the process, rename quad as AmazonForest4 and config it like:

Step#20-We are almost there! Download from my Google Driver these images (shown in the pic) or select one you like; Create inside Assets, Images folder, and load all image to Unity;

Step#21-and finally distro all the image like below:

Step#22-Lets create a Box Collider, responsible for clearing objects off the screen; Create an Empty Object, rename to Boundary, create a Tag: Boundary, and configure its border like below:

Step#23-Go to Create > UI > EventSystem and save everything;

Step#24-Here is the final image; in the next post, we will make a lighting system improvement.

Bye for now! Thanks!

Download Images/Scripts from MyGoogleDrive now!


Post # 00 — EMBRAER Super Tucano VS A-10 Thunderbolt II

Post # 01 — Preparing Scenario — Unity Game 1

Post # 02 — Lighting System & More — Unity Game 2

Post # 03 — Running Everything — Unity Game 3

References & Credits

Space Shooter tutorial

Unity version 2017.3.1f1




Hi, Guys o/ I am J3! I am just a hobby-dev, playing around with Python, Django, Ruby, Rails, Lego, Arduino, Raspy, PIC, AI… Welcome! Join us!