Space Shuttle Launch

Work with Smokes - Blender Serie - Episode#03

4 min readJan 14, 2018


Hi, here is what you will accomplish reading this post: experience Cape Canaveral:

Download the video and listen to the countdown:)

Follows 10 Delicious, Easy Step by Step to DO IT YOURSELF:

Step 01 — Open Blender 2.79, Go to Object > Quick Effects > Quick Smoke;

Step 02 — On Video Sequence Editor, click Play Animation (or Alt + A);

Step 03 — Let’s get a more sophisticated smoke; stop animation, On Properties Viewport click Physics Tab and under Smoke, configure:

Resolution > Divisions : 60

Temperature Difference: -1

[x] Smoke Adaptative Domain

[x] Smoke High Resolution

Test animation. Now Stop the animation, go to Frame Zero (Video Sequence Editor), hover the mouse on the main screen, type 5 and then 1 (to Front Ortho view);

With Domain selected, Type S and scale it larger it till 10 Blender metrics;

Now go to frame zero, select the cube (LMB), Type S and scale it smaller till 1 Blender metric (see reference image);

With cube selected, Go to Edit Mode (hit Tab), Type W, Choose Divided Smooth and …

…set Fractal equal 2; this will shape the cube into an organic form; the smoke emitter is ready…

…test animation; then Stop animation, go to frame zero;

Step 04 — Scroll down the cube 4 Blender metrics below the floor, RMB it, Shift + A to add a Cylinder; extend it 3 Blender metrics and format this to fit the cube - use keys C (as vertices selector), E (extrude) and Z (as guidance);

Step 05 — Put 3d cursor at the apex of the cylinder, Shift + A to add a cone; format it accordingly to form the rocket; Use Numpad 1, 3 and 7 as viewport tool;

Step 06 —Hit Tab (to go to Object Mode), select these 3 elements: cube, cylinder, and cone, mark the frame zero (on Video Sequence Editor), Type I (to insert key), choose Location; Repeat it to 20, 60, 80 and 100 frames, positioning the shutter through the Smoke Domain box (this procedure will mark each stage of the animation); at frame 120 type E (end frame);

Step 07 — Now lets positioning the camera (open a camera viewport); on Object mode press LMB (Left Mouse Button) to select the camera, hit Alt + G and Alt + R and drag it to the apex of Smoke Domain box; Drag it a bit to the right; type R (rotate it); Here is a reference:

Step 08 — Now lets rendering the image; To Rendering it go to Render Tab (the one with a camera), Output, set directory to output video (mp4), FFmpeg Video, codec H.264, and wait for rendering the video, after a click on menu Render > Render Animations (Ctrl+F12);

There you have it!

Step 09 — Optional: SOUNDING IT! go to Render Tab, Output, set .png, and re-render 120 images by hitting Ctrl + F12. Choose a new directory. Cool!

Step 10 — On the upper window, select Video Editing. Open the folder where your videos and sounds were, by clicking Add button, and edit it. Open the sound (download from my Google Drive) and by RMB click selects the stripes and arrange it like this (hit G twice and position straps anywhere):

Note: on purpose, we do not work with textures, lights, etc. The idea is to learn slowly, step by step … just having fun!

Rendering the video with audio

Blender’s taste is hot and pickled, and it also gives off a pungent sound effect. It can be cooked too…Fun, is not it?

Till the next episode, bye!

Download All The File for This Project

References & Credits

Smoke Simulation Tutorial — Blender Cycles

Space Shuttle Launch Audio — play LOUD (no music) HD 1080p video

Blender Fundamentals

Episodes: #01#2#03#4 #05#6 — #07 — #8 — #09 — #10




Hi, Guys o/ I am J3! I am just a hobby-dev, playing around with Python, Django, Ruby, Rails, Lego, Arduino, Raspy, PIC, AI… Welcome! Join us!