Make some room for Rumi- Quotes to think about

Penny Dame
2 min readSep 8, 2022


Photo by Prashant Gupta on Unsplash

A persian poet born in modern day Afghanistan in 1207, Rumi influenced mystic thought and literature throughout the Muslim world. I have compiled some of his most famous quotes as a friendly reminder to self-reflect.

“Why do you stay in prison, when the door is so wide open?”

Being imprisoned by our beliefs can mean being bound to anger, fear, frustration and resentment. Our negative thought patterns and processes are the “prison” Rumi speaks of. The door being “so wide open” refers to our choice. We can choose to recognise those patterns, face them with the knowledge they are holding us back and in turn change our behaviour by choosing a new response. In the moment of recognition comes the opportunity to choose.

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”

My understanding of this is that you cannot change the world without starting with yourself first. We gain capability and competence and then look outwards. Our environment is an extension of ourselves so begin with you first as an individual, learn about yourself, listen to yourself and change any habits that are not serving you. That is a “wise” decsision.

“The wound is the place where the light enters you.”

Life sometimes throws at us situations beyond our control. To live in this world is to know both joy and pain. It is in our worse moments that we are forced to look within and form a stronger bond with something greater than ourselves. The light allows the wounds to heal and represents the way.

“Live life as if everything is rigged in your favor.”

Go through life with a positive attitude. Having a good outlook on life will change the way things turn out-or at the very least your perception of it.



Penny Dame

I believe that each of us has a unique experience in this world. My aim is to share that with you here.