OSINT Exercise #027 Writeup

5 min readJun 5, 2024


Good day everyone, I’m back with another writeup and this time I’ll jump straight to the most recent challenge, number 27, where our setting is a conference/lecture and our person of interest is the speaker.

>>> Link to challenge

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Welcome to OSINT Exercise #027!

Task briefing:
The image below shows a group of people sitting in front of a large screen that reads “Lectura en Movimiento en Lima”. A speaker can be seen standing on the left-hand side in front of three large flags.

Your task is to:

a) Name the speaker.
b) Identify what he was wearing on his lapel.
c) Find footage of his speech.

Exercise level:
For beginners: a) Easy, b) Easy, c) Easy.
For experts: a) Easy, b) Easy, c) Easy.

Click here to open the image on a new window.

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There’s a great deal of information on the event on Google, whether searching via Google Lens or the traditional search. I was able to navigate to the Facebook livestream of the event thanks to a Google search.

Through the livestream, I found out that there were several speakers. Our task is to find the one in the pic (marked above). Our first speaker, well, technically our first speaker was the MC which was a woman, and the speaker we are looking for is evidently a man, and Sofia has also specified that our speaker is a he, so we moved on from her to this gentleman, Mr. Juan Carlos Ruiz Rodríguez.

The appearance looks like a good fit, with black suit, light blue tie, a similar haircut and a pin on his left lapel. The position he is standing, in front of the Peruvian flag and a flag of Ministerio de Cultura (which, I highly believe, translates to the Ministry of Culture), seems like the same position and background as the exercise pic. I’m going to continue to investigate the fellow speakers, but I have a feeling this gentleman will stay on the top of my potential answer list for a good while.

Up next, we have Mr. Gaspar Frontini. The clothing has similarities, but not as closely as the former, and the hairstyle is different. The speaker we are looking for apparently does not wear glasses, and Mr. Frontini kept his glasses on for his entire speech, so we can eliminate the possibility of him being the speaker in the picture.

This speaker has a pin on a similar position as the one in the pic, however the different suit and tie colours and hairstyle can rule him out.

Our next speaker actually has a relatively similar build to the speaker in the pic, however the glasses, different tie colour and the lack of an ornament on his lapel means he is not the one we are looking for either.

Our only remaining speakers are this gentleman and two more female speakers, and none of which fits the characteristics we are after more than the first speaker we investigated. To further strengthen our evidence, I have screenshot this still at 9 minutes 37 seconds into the livestream.

Thanks to the camera person, we have caught a really good angle that we can use to compare to the initial picture. At this point, it is safe to say that the speaker is Mr. Juan Carlos Ruiz Rodríguez, the director of the OEI.

We are now tasked to find what Mr. Ruiz is wearing on his lapel. The screenshot from the livestream focusing on him above is probably the closest we can get to seeing his lapel, so it’s time to expand our sources and input some more logic.

This is the poster of the event. We can see that Mr. Ruiz’s pin on his lapel is a rather plain one with a white background and some dark-coloured characters. The closest and probably only suitable match on the poster is the OEI logo, and Mr. Ruiz being the director of the OEI is a major clue. Connecting all the dots, the OEI logo is our best bet for what lies on our man Mr. Ruiz’s lapel.

Task c asks us to find footage of his speech, which I have been able to with the livestream I found earlier in this writeup. Mr. Ruiz’s speech can be found around the 9:30 mark and ends at the 18:14 mark, where people starts applauding.

So that’s it for today’s challenge. I don’t think I’ve ever been this focused in a lecture-type video in university so this challenge is a success. Watching the entire stream strengthened my opinion on Spanish being a really interesting language, which I have previously noticed from their football commentary. Overall, a nice and chill challenge with a range of skills used from social media intelligence to person of interest investigation. Thanks for visiting my writeups!

My answers:

a) Juan Carlos Ruiz Rodríguez, director of the OEI

b) OEI logo

c) Footage between 9:30 and 18:14




Data Analyst by day with an interest in cyber security & intelligence. Mostly posting OSINT writeups here for now.