Photo by Ian Froome on Unsplash

The Pursuit of “Good Enough”

Jordan Brown
1 min readJul 15, 2019


The pursuit of good enough

is a dangerous road

fraught with heartache

and longing of old

It’ll take you down if you let it

it will

It will leave you out in the cold


The pursuit of good enough is a clambering slog

Then a precipitous drop

through the densest of fog

It will steal your desire to go on

it will

Bereft, panting like a dog


The pursuit of good enough’s not a pursuit at all

It’s a misplaced hope

a dash and a call

It will hide your true potential

it will

And leave you feeling lost and small


Then what should you do to fight the fear

that “something’s not right” is all you hear

The pursuit masks your worth

it will

So stop chasing.

Instead, just appear.



Jordan Brown

Mental Health Advocate | Author | Social Worker making mental health accessible | My free weekly mental health newsletter: