Sunset from South Lake Tahoe, CA 2014 by J.D. Grubb Photography
Copyright © J.D. Grubb Photography 2014


J.D. Grubb



The one who is.


To acknowledge Him is to believe in a fundamental source of everything, to learn from an infinite idea.

It is more. It is to serve that which does not remain an idea. It is revelation. It is Truth. It can be abandoned.

In the beginning, or at least as far back as any mortal dare reflect, Yahweh created the cosmos. B’reshith. That was their beginning, but it was not ours. No, our beginning originates elsewhere — another story. But that is not this story.

I remember Yahweh staring into the depths of the new empty universe, looking into the black pool — feeling it even — as if into a canvas of potential unconstrained by mortal thoughts of time and space. Observing all that is Himself, God — an artist whose choice medium is words given form by breath: Yahweh — spoke joy into being. Light entered the cosmos. Once there was darkness, now there is light. Once there was Night, now there is Day: a boundless life created out of nothing. Yahweh declared it good.

We watched in wonder as Yahweh spoke an invisible canopy into being: an expanse that would divide the watery depths of the void. This He called sky. Standing on the undulating surface beneath the sky, He declared that the waters there gather in one place. This they did, exposing a dry mass beneath…

