Separate YOU from YOUR company/product

You didn’t failed

Published in
2 min readNov 25, 2014


“My number three thing I would suggest is separate yourself from your work.

You are not your company. You are not your product.

It’s real easy to believe you are and it’s really easy to think to get wrapped up in it. When the hard times come or if you fail or even if you're successful, you really need to separate these things because this is why you people come home totally depressed so they have to work these long hours; I have to keep doing this because I’m going to fail.

You won’t fail, your company may fail, your product may fail, but you're not going to be a failure; only if you feel that way.

Separate it, you come home and say, “Look, I'm like a consultant at this place.” And this is how I always use my business. I've always said it’s a business. It’s not me and I'm going to do my damndest to make it successful. But if I can’t it wasn’t me. I did my best. I didn’t fail, the business failed. And it’s hard to do this but you've got to keep doing it all the time, in my mind.

Surely on the upside, don’t fool yourself to think just because you've got a lot of success that you've been successful.

You ought to really spread the success around, credit the people who've really done all the work and don't start believing it.

Extract from Jeff Hawkins -Palm, to listen to the whole audio, here

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