Mike Kreiger in 37'.

Published in
3 min readJun 17, 2015


The statistic are just overwhelming:

300 million monthly active users

75 million daily users

1 in every 4 americans

Yes, this is Instagram

Many people would lose their minds after reaching even half of this goals.

Today YouPlus.biz is featured in ProductHunt (thanks Eric Willis!) and we would love you to come and get a look at it. Go here :)

Things we learned from Mike

1- “I kind of think about entrepreneurship as imagining Science Fiction future and trying to build using today’s technology.”

Even when Facebook was everywhere they still believed that social based on photos could be done better. They work hard and imagine what no one could see or believe in.

In the words of Isaac Asimov:

“Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today — but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our salvation if we are to be saved at all.”

2- “Get us up in the morning: we don’t feel we are done, we feel we have so much left to do, we have all this things Instagram could be still, Facebook likes to say they have “Only 1% Done”, pretty much feel that way about Instagram, there is so much left to do.”

In a world where only 4B people have a phone, and only 2.8B have smartphone there is still a long way to go. Benedict Evans in his piece mentioned: “mobile will expand the scale of the opportunity by 10x, while the cost to reach that opportunity, at least in theory, has decreased by at least 10x as well.”

3- “We have a value internally, as much humility as we can. We have a lot of chapters aheads.”*

Being humble has helped shape Instagram into what is today. As mentioned in this The Verge article: “At any given point, you’re going to be unhappy with over half of your infrastructure, which is true. There are all these ways we’re doing things that could be better — it’s kind of like“painting the bridge.” You go from one end to the other, and once you’re done optimizing and improving your systems, you have to start all over because the assumptions are different.”

4- “The reason I choose to be an entrepreneur , the thing that was most inspiring for us was seeing our ideas out there. Being both terrified and exhilarated that you are in charge of your destiny, its something that is very fun.”

I don’t this last sentence needs any annotation. It’s just simple and brilliant.

Today YouPlus.biz is featured in ProductHunt (thanks Eric Willis!) and we would love you to come and get a look at it. Go here :)

If you want your own cool good quality video, contact Michael at michael@youplus.biz

Thanks for reading!

PS: I’m an advisor at YouPlus.biz and a friends of co-founders Phil & Michael.

