Why I deleted the Medium app

Its all about the TTR*

2 min readDec 18, 2014

Since I first find out about Medium (July 2014) I have been all over it. First reading and consuming everything I found to later start writing for hours.

When I found out they had an app I “run” to the AppStore to download it and start reading. I really like it at first and then later my love started to fade away because of two main reasons.

The first one was that it didn’t let me write my drafts on it. I was not expecting to be able to write and publish (because the quality would be very low and against the main purpose of Medium) but at least to write down the title and some paragraphs on a draft. I had to open my Notes app and write on it. Later I would have to remember about it and copy, paste and edit most of what I wrote before.

The second one was more of a feeling or experience. I realized one of the things I loved about Medium was the long well written posts*. The ones that would take me more than 6 min to read. This posts were the ones that kept my mind enough time away from this world to start to daydream and imagine. What a wonderful moment. But there was something that was constantly interrupting me from this moments. Notifications, messages, emails, alarms. Dropping in front of my eyes, ringing & vibrating, stopping the story in the middle of the best part. I had to leave.

I decided to delete the app to get again that feeling, that experience.

My main interaction is on my Mac now. I have returned to the long beautiful stories that would take my mind away. I got back that feeling.

  • TTR (Total Time Reading)

I want to be clear: I still love the product and will continue using it.

