This country needs a strong progressive woman to be our next President: Elizabeth Warren is my choice for the 2020 Democratic nomination

Justin Gibson
6 min readJul 21, 2019


Before I make my choice known to the public, here’s my past history of endorsements in the Democratic primaries since 2008, the year I first became eligible to vote: Barack Obama (D) in 2008 and 2012 and Bernie Sanders (D) in 2016. This primary will be determine the soul and direction of where the Democratic Party should go in the future, so it is vital that we make the right move on the nominee.

Before I make my decision, here are the hints that I’m revealing for my pick: It will be a woman, a strong progressive, and detailed on how to combat 45’s evil reign.


I am about to make the big announcement you’ve been waiting for: For the 2020 Democratic nomination to have the right to face off against Donald Trump (R) in the general election, I am endorsing Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren (D).

Warren was a Republican until 1996, then switched to the Democratic Party that year, because of the GOP’s pro-Wall Street sympathies. Nearly 25 years after that party switch, she is a progressive rock star.

In the late 2000s and early 2010s, Warren advocated for the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which became a reality on July 21st, 2011. Richard Cordray, who ran for Ohio’s Governoor seat in 2018 and lost, was the 1st director of the CFPB.

In 2012, she ran for Senate against then-incumbent Sen. Scott Brown (R), who won a special election in 2010 in the peak of the Tea Party wave. When November 6th, 2012 came around, Warren sent Brown packing. Two years later, Brown tried again in New Hampshire, only to be beaten by incumbent Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D) in the big GOP wave year of 2014.

In 2016, she was considered to be a VP choice for that year’s nominee Hillary Clinton (D). Clinton ultimately picked Virginia Senator Tim Kaine (D) and lost the election via the Electoral College to the Trump/Pence ticket; however, the Clinton/Kaine ticket did win the popular vote.

In 2018, she dispatched Geoff Diehl (R) bigly to keep her seat for a 2nd Senate term.

This year, she threw her hat into the crowded field, and as of this writing, she continues to surge.

Before we go any further with my case for picking Warren, here are the other candidates that I considered endorsing: Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders (my 2016 choice), California Sen. Kamala Harris, South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, and former HUD Secretary and former San Antonio, Texas Mayor Julián Castro.

To be honest with you, I was torn on whether to endorse Sanders again or go with Warren throughout much of this campaign season so far. In the end, I went with the former CPFB Special Advisor in Elizabeth Warren as my choice until she becomes the nominee or drops out.

Here’s why I am choosing Warren to be our nation’s 46th President:

All of these reasons are why Warren would make for an excellent progressive President to lead this nation after 4 years of Trump’s treasonous America-destroying reign as our “President”, assuming he isn’t impeached before then.

After 4 years of the Trump Misadministration’s rampant anti-woman misogyny and sexism, this country is surely long overdue for a female to be the top boss of the USA.

After 4 years of his anti-LGBTQ track record, we need to strengthen our commitment to the LGBTQ+ community, especially to our trans and non-binary brethren and particularly of POC LGBTQ+ folks.

After 4 years of Trump’s corporate and Wall Street-pandering ways despite wrongly claiming to be a champion for the working class, we need a REAL fighter for the working class to right the wrongs committed by Wall Street and Corporate America.

After 4 years of his Misadministration’s rampant cruelty towards immigrants and refugees, we need to make our immigration policy more just and humane.

After 4 years of the extremist assault on reproductive freedom and abortion access conducted by the 45 regime, we need a leader who will fight for reproductive freedom and the right to obtain access to abortion without interference and harassment.

After 4 years of his free press-destroying ways and assaults on journalism with his constant “fake news” whines when stories critical of the Dotard are posted, we need to fight to protect our cherished freedom of the press and journalists.

After 4 years of the Trump and his Misadministration continually defecating on the nation at home and on the world’s stage, this nation sorely needs credible leadership that will restore our prestige on the world’s stage.

After 4 years of appointing right-wing activist judges to our courts and decades-long conservative control of the Supreme Court, we need to have a person who’ll fix the problem with our off-balance court system, especially the Supreme Court and the Circuit Court of Appeals.

After 4 years of his Constitution-destroying ways, we need to tell the American people: one term of the Orange Disgrace is enough, and we can’t afford a 2nd term of him!!!

Not only do we need to fire Trump at the ballot box, we need to flip the Senate back Blue and keep the House in the Donkeys’ hands! We also need to vote Democratic down the ballot as well to maximize our effectiveness! When November 2020 rolls around, let’s put a Democrat in the White House and in downballot offices next year by getting out to vote at your polling place, whether it’s done in-person, absentee, or by mail!

In closing, I pray that Warren is the nominee. If it isn’t Warren, but Harris, Biden, Sanders, Buttigieg, Castro, or whoever it ends up being instead, I will full-throatedly support that nominee to take Trump down at the ballot box on November 3rd, 2020.

#TeamWarren #Warren2020 #WinWithWarren

Warren’s campaign page: English | Spanish

Social Media:

Facebook: Elizabeth Warren | Team Warren |
Twitter: @EWarren | @TeamWarren |
Instagram: ElizabethWarren| TeamWarren |

Fact Check: Fact Squad
Issues: English | Spanish



Justin Gibson

Progressive Democrat. Teams: Cardinals, Blues, Arsenal, Steelers, STL City SC, Illini, Mizzou, Bayern, and #USMNT/#USWNT. [he/him/his]