GOP gets trifecta: Hate trumps love, America is ruined

Justin Gibson
4 min readNov 9, 2016


Going into this evening, I had predicted a GOP House, Democratic Senate and a Hillary Clinton victory and high hopes.

But at around 9 or 10PM or so, it became pretty obvious that Trump was going to win it all, and my hopes of sanity in America were crushed.

Around 1:30AM, most press outlets called this election in a stunner that no one expected except for the most hardcore Trumpers: a Trump/Pence victory and a GOP trifecta. Hillary tried her best to win, but it wasn’t enough. The right-wing smear machine finally got to the Clintons.

Hillary will likely win the popular vote, but she’ll lose to Trump in the Electoral College. This is proof that the EC needs to be scrapped!

Going from President Obama to President Trump will be a massive downgrade in the prestige of our nation and an embarrassment. This man should’ve been beaten big time, instead of winning the election. America needs lots of prayers in the wake of this outcome.

Here’s why: This result legitimizes racism, sexism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, Hispanophobia, anti-refugee/anti-immigrant sentiment, antifeminism, antisemitism, and ableism as acceptable in America. This result legitimizes the Alt-Right, KKK, authoritarianism, and right-wing extremism. This result was aided by Russia and James Comey’s foolish stunts. This results shows that despite several scandals that should have disqualified him from the Presidency (most notably Gonzalo Curiel, Khizr Khan, Alicia Machado, rampant racism and sexism, and the sexual assault scandals), he still won. This result ensures that Roe v. Wade is likely toast and that draconian anti-abortion policies rule the day. This result means that the Supreme Court stays in conservative hands for quite awhile. This result means Planned Parenthood funding is in jeopardy. This result means that there won’t be any sensible gun safety reforms. This result ensures that Obamacare (aka Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) and all of President Obama’s achievements are hollow at best and likely kaput. This result means that progress on criminal justice reform is severely stunted. This result means that voting rights are severely impacted in a harmful way. This result means that the whole USA would be bad for union rights, such as a nationwide right-to-work for less law. This result means that most (if not all) LGBTQ and transgender rights are in jeopardy. This result means that the freedom of the press will be adversely affected. This result means that Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid are in peril. This result means reasonable immigration reform is dead in the water. This result means that liberal/progressive ideas are in great harm. This result means that polling and data is not all that reliable. This result means a better ground game doesn’t always guarantee a win. This result means that newspaper endorsements hold less relevance than ever (at the Presidential level at least). This result shows that white privilege and male privilege rule the day in this nation. This result shows that hate trumps love.

This election result is worse than the 2000 election outcome that handed Bush due to Florida and the Supreme Court. This election result is worse than the 2010 and the 2014 midterms combined. This election result is worse than some of the police officers being wrongly let off the hook. This election result is worse than Brexit. This election outcome is worse than the Citizens United v. FEC, Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, and Shelby County v. Holder rulings.

As for now, it’s Mourning (or Midnight) in America, NOT Morning in America.

There are some positives to take out of this otherwise bleak election outcome for the Democrats: Tammy Duckworth winning the Senate seat in Illinois, Dwight Kay losing his State House seat in Illinois, Susana Mendoza winning Comptroller in Illinois, Joe Arpaio losing in Maricopa County, Arizona, and Harris County, Texas going largely Blue up and down the ballot.

This is how I feel about the USA’s election of this buffoon to the Presidency: If you have decided to vote for Trump, you are complicit in the destruction of the United States of America!! You own the fate of this nation!

Here are some fine candidates that should run for President for the Democrats in 2020: Kamala Harris, Keith Ellison, Gavin Newsom, Kirsten Gillibrand, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, Michelle Obama, Tammy Duckworth, and Jeff Merkley to name a few.

So, let’s make this unqualified turd a one-term President! We’ll hopefully get the White House back in 2020, with a Democratic House and/or the Senate added on. Let’s also work on improving on the midterms in 2018!



Justin Gibson

Progressive Democrat. Teams: Cardinals, Blues, Arsenal, Steelers, STL City SC, Illini, Mizzou, Bayern, and #USMNT/#USWNT. [he/him/his]