Comic Review — Star Wars: Yoda #1–3: Light and Life

JG Reviews
5 min readApr 9, 2023

A look at the first story-arc in the Yoda comic maxiseries. In which Yoda visits a tropical paradise to stop warring neighbours warring, and takes his sweet time about it! Written by Cavan Scott, with art by Nico Leon, and Dono Sánchez-Almara.

Photo by the author.

This three-issue arc is the first of four short stories in a nearly year-long series to feature Yoda. The theme of the first arc is trust and patience, and Yoda certainly does his best to test both qualities.

The series has a framing story of Yoda reminiscing from his exile on Dagobah, but this particular arc takes place in the High Republic era, the high point of the Jedi and the Republic a couple of hundred years before the events of the prequel trilogy. That’s one corner of Star Wars comics I’ve not opted to dip into, so this series sneakily led me to sample this new era that has been created and fleshed out in numerous comics and novels in recent years. That said, this story takes place almost entirely on the tropical world of Turrak in a story so stand-alone it could have been set just about any time prior to the fall of the Jedi.

Two cultures live on this planet. The cute and seemingly peaceful Scalvi, live on an idyllic island. While the more aggressive Crulkon inhabit an industrial platform out at sea. The differences between these two cultures are played…

