✈️ John J Manring
5 min readApr 14, 2019

AN OPEN LETTER TO SENATOR CORY BOOKER 📝 Has Your Current Significant Other Learned from Her 2016 Mistakes? 🤔 A Relevant Question by John J. Manring

NOTE: This piece was inspired by a tweet from Sally Albright (whom I hold in the highest esteem).

Dear Senator Booker:

First I’d like to state that I think you would make a wonderful president. You are not the only proclaimed or potential candidate for 2020 I would happily vote for, but should you end up the Democratic candidate I would enthusiastically vote for you. But (for Game Of Thrones fans this word is intentionally the beginning of this sentence 😬), based upon her actions and rhetoric in 2016 I have to ask: “Rosario Dawson? Really?”

Ms. Dawson was a vocal and enthusiastic sycophant for Bernie Sanders in 2016. (DISCLAIMER: Even though I would vote for Bernie in 2020 should he be the “Democratic” candidate — Vote Blue No Matter Who! — Bernie is at the absolute bottom of my list of desirables.) Ms. Dawson wasn’t the only Hollywood personality who swallowed the Bernie Kool-Aid, but she used her notoriety to stump for Bernie, and disparage Hillary Clinton, even after Bernie was mathematically eliminated from being the Democratic candidate.

I’m willing to give the slightest benefit of the doubt to those who wanted to push Hillary’s agenda as far left as possible (even though most presidents moderate toward the middle once in office), and/or those who voted third party (or didn’t bother voting at all) in 2016 — after all, Hillary was a sure bet to win the election.

The memes I posted before the 2016 election speak for themselves:

What I recall thinking (perhaps I put it in a tweet rather than incorporating it into a meme) is that the 99% need to bury the Republicans under landslide Democratic victories each and every election. Only by making it near impossible for a GOP candidate to win will they moderate their intransigent views. Voting third party — or not voting at all — keeps the correct-thinking population of the United States from moving our politics in the direction the vast majority of us wish it to go. And, Senator Booker, Ms. Dawson was one of those who helped usher Trump into the Oval Office by their words and deeds.

This is the cover of O’Rourke’s book, but the list following is my assessment of how we ended up with Trump.

Number 5 on the list is Bernie and his faithful. Ms. Dawson was one of those faithful. And, as Hillary warned us, Bernie and his Busters who voted third party were nothing better than the useful idiots of Russia’s successful attempt to sway the 2016 election away from Hillary and toward Donald Trump.







There are examples of politically polar-opposite couples making it. James Carville And Mary Matalin seem to be able to make it work. Kellyanne and George are still together, and even though they differ on Trump, the make up “relations” must be (🤔💭🤢🤮). Politically opposite I can perhaps understand, but politically savvy and politically inept? Those who support Bernie — in my opinion — lack the pragmatism needed to get (and keep) our country going in the correct direction. Bernie’s “all or nothing” saddled is with Trump, and regardless of what Susan Sarandon said about a Trump victory in 2016 accelerating the socialist utopia Bernie envisions for us, Trump is an unmitigated disaster. I think you’d agree with at least the part about UNMITIGATED DISASTER TRUMP being the polar-opposite of what our country needs.

I wonder, Senator Booker, has your significant other learned from the mistakes made by Bernie and his faithful in 2016, or if you are not the nominee, will she vote third party again? An inquisitive electorate would like to know.




✈️ John J Manring

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