2 min readOct 7, 2016


It’s obvious that people can be cruel, and that fat shaming is a form of bullying, however, as someone that used to be pretty fat, I have to say that your attitude towards this is slightly puzzling.

It’s obvious that you feel hurt from these comments, which is fair enough, and if someone were pointing out a large nose or the colour of your skin, something that you had no control over, I could understand your reaction.

The reality is that it’s possible for you to lose weight. People do so for lots of reasons, they may want to be healthier, fitter, live longer, live a fuller life, and remove the ablity for anyone to make judgements about you because of your weight.

If you hate the fact that people fat shame, why don’t you lose weight rather than try to change something that has always been the case.

I was a pretty fat kid, and was teasted for it at school, that was in the 80’s and things were the same before that, and still the same today. I didn’t like it, in fact it was the annoying comments that finally gave me the motivation to get fit and no longer be fat.

Unless there are real medical reasons, I don’t believe anyone needs to remain fat. There are so many shows on TV that prove if you control what you eat and take exercise, you will lose weight. I’ve lost 35lbs over the past 5 months and now feel so much better. It’s not easy, but it’s possible.

I don’t mean to belittle your argument, nor to be preachy, but I sometimes feel that it’s easier to blame others for how you feel than to make the changes to feel better about yourself.

If you want some dietary advice (what is working for me) then let me know.

At the end of the day, if something is bothering you, why not do something positive about it, use the anger/frustration/disappointment/self hate etc to motivate you, not as an excuse to open up the biscuits/crisps/chocolate etc (which is what I would once have done).

