Getting to Know Broke Girl’s Guide Co-Founder, Erin Bunch

Jennifer Roberts
3 min readMay 1, 2012


Erin Bunch — looking fabulous

Before starting Broke Girl’s Guide with Michelle Vick (shown in the photos), co-founder Erin Bunch graduated from USC’s film school and went to work in development and production at DreamWorks, SKG. She then moved into the marketing group at, where she was responsible for editorial and marketing for the MySpace Celebrity and Fashion channels. Bunch left MySpace after two years to launch then as the founder’s (Seth Matlins’) first employee. But, she kept up her writing chops working sporadically as a freelance writer and the rest is history.

Here’s more with Erin…

[25H] What was a major challenge when you got started and how did you overcome it?

[EB] There were so many! We had no money starting out, so we had to be incredibly frugal in building the website, and with any other costs associated with launching the site. We then had to raise money, which was also quite challenging given it was the first time either of us had ever attempted anything of the sort.

[25H] Hindsight being 20/20, what advice would you have given yourself when you first started?

Erin & Michelle — coffee break

[EB] Be sure that you are prepared to dedicate your life to your business, because owning your own company is much, much, MUCH more time-consuming than working at any job as an employee. It’s also emotionally draining. There are so many highs and lows — at first you ride them all and it can be a nightmare, up and down, up and down, but eventually you learn that “this too shall pass.” I wish someone had told me to relax a little!

[25H] How do you maintain work/life balance?

[EB] I’m still trying to figure that one out. My workouts, which used to be an everyday thing, have really suffered, and that’s been really hard on me physically and mentally. It’s very difficult to allow yourself to do things that take time away from the business, but they’re so necessary. In recent months, I’ve given myself greater permission to walk away from the computer when I need to. But I burnt myself out in a big way before I learned that lesson!

[25H] How do you keep track of all your “to-dos?”

[EB] I make lists every morning. Whatever isn’t done the day before gets transferred to the list the next day.

[25H] What are your 5 favorite smart phone productivity apps?


  1. Evernote

2. Action Method

3. Dropbox

4. Epicurious

5. Bank app

[25H] Finish the sentence, “You would be surprised to know that…

[EB] I’ve been a dancer since I was 3-years-old.

[25H] If you had an extra hour a day, what would you do?

[EB] Read a good book. In the tub.

Erin & Michelle

What would you do with an extra hour a day? Please leave a note in the comments below.

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I’m Jennifer Roberts, a blogger, writer and personal finance maven. I blog about personal development, money, career stuff, and more.

[Publishing note: This is a newly updated post]

Originally published at in 2012.



Jennifer Roberts

I’m a blogger, writer, and personal finance maven. I blog about productivity, money, and career stuff.