The Best Coffee Shops in Porto for digital nomads

George Sifalda
2 min readNov 16, 2017


It is early days for specialty grade cafes here in Porto. But it does not mean you can not enjoy your morning routine with a good cup of coffee and breakfast. Here is a list of my favorite coffee shops I have discovered in Porto. All of it is “working friendly” of course. ;)

  1. Combi Coffee — They started as a coffee truck (how popular these days right?!). Today, they have a coffee shop and roast own well tasting coffee. Super fast wifi and plugs available.
  2. The Royal Rawness — This is my most favorite place. Only downside is lower wifi signal occasionally (if you don’t plan to have Skype calls, the wifi speed is more than enough). Plugs also available, just ask. And don’t be surprised, the coffee shop is together with a stylish pop-up shop, you have to go to the first floor.
The Royal Rawness can also prepare this lovely meal!

3. Brando: Casa do Café — Their coffee is not the best to be honest but a solid wifi connection, plugs and plenty of tables makes this place a good place for working.

4. Mesa 325 — Another one from speciality coffee edition. Plugs and steady wifi connection available. Good about this coffee shop is the fact a lot of locals actually go there to work on their laptops — you will not feel like you are doing something “wrong” there. ;) I found this one on my last day in Porto and I am glad I did.

Mesa 325 and its interior.

5. Anything else? Please let me know.

Except The Royal Rawness, all the mentioned coffee shops are 5 minutes walk from each other and about 10 minutes walk from city historical centrum.

💭 Drop me a line in the comment section below. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
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George Sifalda

Web developer by heart, engineering manager by title, writing about what I think & talk about and what interests me on