How to Become an Active English Worker in the global market — 如何在全球市場上成為一名積極的英語工作者

2 min readJul 31, 2023


If you are an IT professional who wants to improve your English skills to become an active worker in the global market, there are several steps you can take.

如果您是 IT 專業人士,想要提升英語技能,成為全球市場上的積極工作者,您可以採取以下幾個步驟。

Practice English daily: Make English a part of your daily routine. Watch English TV shows, read English books, and listen to English podcasts. You can also practice speaking English with friends or colleagues who are fluent. The more you practice, the more comfortable you become with the language.


Join English-speaking communities: Join online communities where you can practice your English skills with native speakers. This will allow you to engage in conversations with people who are fluent in English and learn from them. You can also get feedback on your grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.


Take English courses: Take English courses to improve your grammar, vocabulary, and communication skills. There are many online courses available that cater to IT professionals. Some courses are free, so you don’t have to worry about spending money. By taking a course, you can get structured learning and improve your skills faster.

參加英語課程:參加英語課程以提昇文法、詞彙和溝通技巧。有許多適合 IT 專業人員的線上課程。有些課程是免費的,所以你不用擔心花錢。透過學習課程,您可以獲得結構化學習並更快地提高您的技能。

Attend conferences and events: Attend conferences and events where you can network with other professionals and practice your English skills. You can also attend workshops and talks focusing on improving your English skills. This will allow you to meet people from different countries and backgrounds and practice your language skills professionally.


Use English in your work: Use English in your work as much as possible. This will help you become more comfortable communicating in English and improve your skills. You can communicate with your colleagues in English if you work in an international company. You can also write emails and reports in English to practice your writing skills.


By following these steps, you can become an active English worker in the global market and expand your career opportunities. Remember that learning a language takes time and effort, but the rewards are worth it. Good luck!





Certified PMP & Agile Technical Project Manager who understands the pains of involved parties to get the job done.