How To: Make The Most Of Meed

Jack S.
5 min readAug 22, 2016

Originally appeared on Meed — The Community For Young Professionals

Welcome to Meed! We’re guessing you signed up for one or more of the following reasons:

  1. You’re super career oriented and ready to start building your professional identity, you are such a Miranda Hobbes!
  2. You spent your entire winter break fielding questions like, “What are you doing with your life,” “Why did you major in that,” and “How are you planning to pay off your student loans?” *side eyes*
  3. You heard about Meed from that one friend who really has their life together and decided to check it out for yourself.

No matter your reason for being here, we’re excited to have you!

So what exactly is there to do on Meed?

Short Answer: Apply to jobs, connect with recruiters, publish stories, and ask questions to leading industry professionals.

Long Answer: Well, that depends on what you want to get out of Meed. For starters let’s say you want to build your professional brand, find a job or internship, and make a few connections along the way.

We built Meed because students have more to share than what is listed on their traditional resume. At Meed we are all about building your professional brand and showcasing your talents. You spend so much time at university producing awesome work and excelling outside the classroom, now it’s time to show all your hard work to employers.

Now that we have that all squared away, here’s how to do it.

Create Your Profile & Portfolio

Your profile is essentially your universal online resume. This is how recruiters, Influencers (industry professionals who act as mentors on Meed), and your peers will get to know you in a professional context. Simply import your resume, or fill it out manually, and you’re good to go. This shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes of your time.

Your profile is your initial introduction while your portfolio is where others will get to know more about you through your work. Portfolio submissions can be anything from a budget breakdown for your dance team to an essay you wrote for an English class, or even your final project for CS 100. A great portfolio item is far more memorable than anything you could ever list on your resume. Meed is about showing recruiters who you are, not just telling them.

Make sure to select the appropriate group (Software Engineer, Liberal Arts, etc.) and give your submissions the appropriate tags (Currently Working On, Today I learned, etc.) from the drop-down menus below.

Here are some examples of posts we loved:

Remember to keep it classy! We’re all about building your professional brand on Meed, save the rest for Snapchat!


Influencers are successful professionals, who are active members of the Meed Community. Their sole interest in Meed is helping you learn about a variety of industries and connecting with the next generation of talent. We highly encourage you to engage with them — they are valuable connections! (You can thank us later :-P )

Follow Influencers to hear more about their work and experiences! If you have a question don’t be afraid to ask them directly on their page.


Meed is a vibrant professional community where you can make connections with recruiters, industry leaders, and students from across the globe.

There are a variety of groups on Meed ranging from Business to Software Engineering to Women In STEM. You can use these groups to receive feedback on your work, ask questions, publish original work, and share past job or internship experiences.

Influencers will also be sharing their work and experiences. We highly encourage you to engage with them — these are valuable connections! (You can thank us later :-P )

The most popular posts are featured at the top of everyone’s news feeds daily! Make sure to share your posts with your friends to maximize your upvotes and comments.

Check out a few posts that the community loved:

Publish A Story

A great way to establish your brand is by publishing an original story on Meed. To get started click publish story in the status bar. Your story can be about anything that interests you! People have published stories ranging from how they picked their major (in code) to how Netflix grew into a household name. Top stories are featured on Meed’s social media, and sent to recruiters and start-up founders!

Make sure to add a cover photo, like the story below, to maximize your clicks.

Apply To Jobs & Internships

Applying to jobs is super simple once you’ve completed your profile, simply click the “All Jobs” tab on the left side of your screen and click the “Apply” button for any jobs that peak your interest.

Make sure to follow up about a week later. This maximizes your chances of getting an interview by letting recruiters know you’re genuinely interested — we’ll send you a quick reminder, don’t worry.

Now that you have the basics down, go get ’em tiger!



Jack S.

Oakland Resident, Berkeley Grad, Indoor Enthusiast