The political party most likely to confiscate firearms in America is…

Patrick Fogarty
3 min readMar 13, 2017

Some think there are no differences between politicians, but they are wrong.

I was surprised to learn that in the mid-90s governments in both Britain and Australia confiscated legal firearms and made laws that outlaw most firearms in the country. First I was surprised that firearms were legal in Britain as I always had the understanding that firearms were not permitted there, so that was interesting. But the more shocking surprise was that the conservative party controlled these governments in both countries when strict gun control laws went into place. The programs were similar, turn your gun in now and the government will give you a nominal amount of money. Later, if you keep it and are discovered, it will be taken as an illegal weapon and there will be fines that you pay, not clear if there is jail time potentially as well.

The constitutionalists in the US would point to the second amendment and it is an additional hurdle, the Supreme Court would need to share the political ideology as well because their role is to add to, subtract from, and amend the constitution based on case law; that is the function of the Supreme Court.

The conservative media points to liberals taking guns, well the conservative media used to tout a lot of values that they now ignore like that constitution thing, no religious persecution, president will not take money from a foreign country, but those and other subversions are occulting because the conservative media is nothing but a supporter of the Republican Party for which it stands above all else and dupes real conservatives into coming along for the ride. So, conservative media must be put on hold while we look at actions, because actions are what matters here.

Both political parties use their Federal power to interfere in the lives of individuals, but there are dramatic differences, for example:

Recently, Obama and the Democrats forced healthcare onto everyone with an option of not having it if you pay a fine, so essentially everyone was required to pay into healthcare, one way or another. Medicare and social security, both require you and your employer to pay into these systems to provide retirement benefits: financial and medical support. Obama also enacted requirements that make our air and water cleaner, at an economic cost because it takes money to reduce pollutants which makes products cost more.

The Republican Party has also forced their desires onto people as well, but they are different, for example: they pushed legislation to ban individuals from burning the flag, they have worked to ban gay marriage, they have worked to make pregnant women give birth, now their new legislation is going to make you take and give the results of your DNA to your employer and insurance carrier.

In general, the democrats want to legislate your use of money to a beneficial effect and understandably “the government knows best” attitude is upsetting to some, they are not restricting the rights of individuals.

On the other hand, the Republican Party, in general, actively is taking away or restricting the rights of individuals, you can’t do that anymore because it is against what we think is right based on our view of patriotism, religion, privacy, etc.

So, based on actions and not media hype, it appears that loss of gun rights is most likely in the US when the Republican Party controls the presidency, both houses of congress, and the Supreme Court.



Patrick Fogarty

Entrepreneur, Ph.D., former CEO. Husband. Son. Patriotic. Outraged.