Patrick Fogarty
2 min readFeb 20, 2017

Why write?

Some authors have a story burning inside to tell, others write because they breathe as it is so inherent in who they are. There are many reasons, mine is sanity. I try to pour out some of the disturbing things that are happening in America in hopes that I can maintain.

My pieces would be more legitimate looking if I referenced my sources, but the additional effort, seems monumental right now. And I tell myself, if people are so far out of the loop of what’s going on that they already don’t know at least some of what I have curated and synthesized then they would never see it at all.

I just read a Washington Post article that was about people in Virginia running for state democratic congressional positions in record numbers to try to wrest state congressional control from republicans. I am not from Virginia and never been involved with a political organization. When I have bothered to vote in the past, mostly I have supported democratic candidates, but I have voted for independents and republicans, just to be clear. In 2016, I did something unique for me by voting for every democrat on my ballot because of what Trump and in speaker Ryan’s phrase ‘the new unified republican party’ stands against — American ideals.

From the article, “Then Trump gets elected, and my son, my 9-year-old, said, ‘Mommy, we have to get out because Mr. Trump doesn’t like people who speak Spanish.’…”

This is not a false flag or inconvenient to conservative views so branded as fake news. It is gut wrenching, to me at least, but it is also because minority colleagues have mentioned their young children saying similar things made this passage hit home, hard.

Trump and the new unified Republican Party are monsters terrorizing children whose skin is not white, whose language is not unbroken, unaccented english, whose religion is currently not Muslim or Jewish origins.

America is/was a nation of unparalleled freedoms and opportunity. It was also centered around the concept of equality and justice for all! We were a nation of immigrants and now the government is ex-Goldman Sachs, billionaire, white supremacists. Crushing equality and opportunity for all of those not of that same group.

There is no more Conservative party, there is no more Republican Party, there is only an anti-America party and the Democrats as our two party system.

Patrick Fogarty

Entrepreneur, Ph.D., former CEO. Husband. Son. Patriotic. Outraged.