Debugging Elixir in VS Code

Jake Becker
5 min readJun 7, 2017


I recently released an early alpha of ElixirLS, an IDE “smartness” server for Elixir. It powers an associated VS Code plugin and includes debugger integration. More on that here.

Debugging in Elixir or Erlang is a little different than in other languages, so there are a few things you should know.

You need Erlang >= OTP 19

As mentioned in this post, you’re going to need Erlang version OTP 19 or higher installed (or a patched version of OTP 18). I highly recommend installing it from source using kerl. That way, you can use the go-to-definition feature of your editor to jump to Erlang module source code when you reference Erlang modules from Elixir.

You have to “interpret” modules before you can debug them

When you debug a process in Elixir or Erlang, the VM spawns an additional process to track the code’s execution. This is called the “meta process”. The debugged process needs to send messages to the meta process with information about where it is in your code.

Your compiled .beam modules don’t have the necessary function calls to send these messages. In other languages, you might compile two versions of your binaries, one with the debug calls and one without, but in Elixir, it works a bit differently.

When you compile Erlang or Elixir modules with the :debug_info option set, the resulting .beam files include a chunk with the Erlang Abstract Format representation of your code. Before you can debug a module, you have to “interpret” it by calling, which reads this chunk and then purges the module. After that, any future calls to the module are handled by evaluating the Erlang abstract forms and making the necessary calls to the meta process after each evaluation.

Calling on each module in your project manually is a pain, so when you run a Mix task in the ElixirLS debugger, it automatically interprets all the modules in your project and its dependencies. This is a good default for most projects, though it can cause a noticeable lag in starting the task. Future versions of ElixirLS will likely include more configuration options to specify which modules to interpret.

As a consequence of having to interpret modules prior to debugging, you can’t debug any code that lives outside of a module definition.

.exs files are a bit tricky

Since .exs files aren’t compiled, it can be a bit tricky to get to interpret any modules they define. First, you’d need to load the file with Code.load_file/1 so it can define the modules. Even then, though, it will refuse to interpret them because it can’t find the .beam file.

But don’t worry, we can still debug them! You need to add any .exs files you want to be included in debugging to your launch.json configuration under "requireFiles". For example, the default configuration for mix test looks like this:

"type": "mix_task",
"name": "mix test",
"request": "launch",
"task": "test",
"taskArgs": ["--trace"],
"projectDir": "${workspaceRoot}",
"requireFiles": [

When the debugger starts, it creates a temporary folder .elixir_ls/temp_beams in your project root and adds it to the VM’s code path. Before launching the task, it loads all the files specified under requireFiles in the order they’re specified, and then it actually saves .beam files for any modules they defined to the temporary directory. That way, when we call on those modules, it can find them in the code path and interpret them. Neat, huh?

Remember, though, that loading an .exs file is the same as running it — it can have side-effects, so be careful.

Variable names will look a little funny

If you look closely at the screenshot above, you’ll see that the variables in the debugger have names like conn@1 and params@1 even though the variables don’t have these suffixes in the code. The reason for that has to do with the different variable scoping rules in Elixir and Erlang. In Erlang, variables are function-scoped and can’t be redefined or masked within the function. In Elixir, however, the following code is perfectly valid:

my_var = 1
my_var = 2

The Beam VM can’t handle multiple variables of the same name within a function, so Elixir makes it work by giving them “counters” as suffixes. In the debugger, you would see variables named my_var@1 and my_var@2.

Unfortunately, that means that when you’re debugging, you might have a hard time figuring out exactly which value applies to a given variable name. It’s not always the one with the highest counter — if you reassign a variable within a block, for example, after leaving the block, the variable will refer to whatever it did beforehand.

Line numbers might be missing or wrong

If you look at the docs for Erlang Abstract Format, you’ll see that each form includes metadata with the line number. Conspicuously missing, though, is metadata about which file that line is in.

In Erlang, there’s a 1:1 relationship between source files and beam modules, so this isn’t a problem. But in Elixir, we commonly use macros defined in other files. After we compile our code to Erlang Abstract Format, we lose any information about which file each form came from.

Consequently, it’s common to see incorrect files or line numbers in debugger stack traces. For example, in the router module in a Phoenix application, it’s common to see stack traces with a line number much higher than the number of lines in the module’s source. The number is actually the line number in the source file that defined a macro the router module used, but the debugger doesn’t know that. You can sometimes guess which file it’s actually in, but I’m not aware of any easy programmatic solution.

Also, you sometimes see line number “0” in debugger stack traces. I don’t know exactly what causes that, but I’m inclined to blame macros for it too.

Future improvements?

The shortcomings I’ve mentioned are a consequence of having to debug by evaluating the Erlang Abstract Format representation of the code. Elixir has its own abstract form, the “quoted” form you work with when writing macros. If the debugger could evaluate Elixir quoted forms instead, it could potentially be more powerful.

This seems like it should be within the realm of possibility — after all, IEx works similarly. IEx basically compiles the user’s input to Elixir quoted form, evaluates the forms, and then pauses for user interaction. Making it interact with the debugger’s meta process instead of the user isn’t all that big a stretch.

My guess is that the hardest part would be making it play nice with the existing Erlang debugger. I believe I saw a thread on an Erlang mailing list in which José Valim discussed the possibility of having the evaluator in the debugger be pluggable. I can’t find the thread anymore, though, so maybe I imagined it. I’d love to hear from some Elixir or Erlang developers about what it might take to improve debugging.

Despite its limitations, I hope you find ElixirLS’s debugger integration useful. Happy coding!

