James Beaufait
Apr 25, 2024


Aloha Katie!

Your humor started my day delightfully, thank you πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š!

OK let's get down to business. I've had phenomenal success with their customer representatives. Would you like me to be your personal representative and call Amazon for you? We could discuss your terms and conditions of what would be an amicable settlement. I'm thinking Amazon could relandscape your entire garden, give the trucks a bit more turning room, compensate you, and get some goodwill with a follow-up article about Amazon's generous community relations. After all, you are a publisher!

A Prime Opportunity for a loyal fan!



James Beaufait

Living our dream off-grid in Hawaii; passionate about creative expression: Wabi-sabi stories, living and dreaming consciously, and communing with Mother Nature.