Is Maria Hill Dead?

James E
5 min readJul 3, 2023

Behind Marvel’s Secret Invasion (WARNING: SPOILERS)

Convincing AI art by author

After the opening episode of Secret Invasion, the question on every fan’s lips was, is Maria Hill dead? Or, rather, is Maria Hill really dead?

And the answer, after episode two, suggests yes. But… you can guarantee there’s more than meets the eye in a show about shape-shifters and spies.

When Maria Hill got shot at the end of the first episode, we could be forgiven for hoping this was a ruse. This is, after all, a series with the MCU’s super-spy centred as the main character: Nick Fury, a man whose death we’ve already witnessed, only to discover to discover it had been faked (see Captain America: Winter Soldier). Incidentally, the only character to be in on that hoax? Not Cap, or Black Widow, but Maria Hill.

Secret Invasions, however, is primarily a show about a skrull invasion. So rather than assuming the former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents have something up their sleave, we all held our collective breath waiting for Maria’s body to morph back into its true skrull form, allowing us to breathe a sigh of relief.

But that moment didn’t come. We weren’t witnessing the death of a skrull.

So, can we only conclude that we have simply seen the last of Maria Hill? They certainly want us to believe this, given the climactic nature of the closing…



James E

A head full of nonsense. What comes out might be profound observations of the world around us, or it might be gibberish. Supporter of the disenfranchised.