James Hardy CT Discusses Criminal Defense Concerns During Covid-19

James Hardy
3 min readJul 6, 2020


James Hardy Attorney CT

STAMFORD, CT, USA, July 6, 2020 / EINPresswire.com/ — James Hardy Attorney CT is a well-respected attorney with years of experience. And since the coronavirus pandemic started, he has watched developments with concern. For example, he has found that the changes affecting the criminal law system could trigger widespread issues that may last for years. These issues must be addressed, he believes, in a way that makes sense for the situation.

Changes That Concern James Hardy Attorney CT

The dangers of Covid-19 have already significantly impacted the justice system, James Hardy Attorney Connecticut states. For example, arrests have been substantially decreased because of the risks of keeping large numbers of prisoners in one area. Many precincts, James Hardy Attorney CT states, are doing “cite and release” more often than arresting because they cannot handle this demand properly.

Officers and legal officials are also adjusting arrest warrants and summons, extending their limitations, and keeping people out of court longer. These changes are functional, James Hardy Attorney CT says, but there are problems in the court system because many districts are not holding criminal cases. This decision is understandable, James Hardy Attorney Connecticut believes, but comes with issues that may last a long time.

For example, many areas are expediting case processing and even attempting to limit bench warrants and even prosecution times. These responses may be a problem, James Hardy Attorney Connecticut believes, because many potential criminals may either sneak through the cracks or get off easier. Even worse, there’s a good chance that such changes may become standard as Covid-19 expands, James Hardy Attorney Connecticut says.

Other Concerns That May Develop

James Hardy Attorney CT is uncertain of what can be done to mitigate these changes until the pandemic is over. He says that he supports the courts and their decision to change up their operation in this way. It’s not as if they are doing things wrong, he says. It is just inevitable that such changes may have adverse effects. Some of these may last well beyond the pandemic, James Hardy Attorney CT states.

His biggest concern is cases being processed too fast and not allowing enough evidence to be collected for either the prosecutor or the defender. James Hardy Attorney CT believes that a good case needs to have the time to explore all elements of the situation to ensure proper legal protection. However, he is also concerned about the delay in criminal cases in many states.

For example, people awaiting trial may end up waiting even longer because cases are not being prosecuted. Being held in jail or prison is not a pleasant time, James Hardy Attorney CT states, and delays are a violation of a plaintiff’s rights. Though he understands that there isn’t much that can be done about it, he foresees a lot of lawsuits about this issue in the future.

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Originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com on July 6, 2020.



James Hardy

James Hardy achieved a Juris Doctorate in 2010. He is an attorney that is very passionate about representing his clients. Integrity is most important to him.