“Cameron blames last Labour government for flooding”

3 min readJan 6, 2024


That was February 2014.

What has the Tory party done in the decade since?

By the state of damage we’re seeing across the UK each year, not nearly enough.

Only days ago The Guardian reported the number of flood defences falling into disrepair has trebled in some regions across the UK in the last four years.

And then came Storm Henk.

And we again see Henley-on-Thames reeling under water.

Yorkshire submerged.

Bridges collapsing.

And businesses ruined across the country, some of them painfully experiencing their third flood in ten years.

Meanwhile Sunak rallies his digital marketing campaign to promote the environment agency’s presence at flood destinations across the UK.

But what about mitigating measures, Rishi?

Where are the policies to prevent damage from floods before they’re happening, Rishi?

What are you doing there, Rishi?

It’s exhausting.

I feel so deeply for those who are going through their third or fourth flood of their homes or business in a decade.

This is the third flood he has experienced at the property in less than a year; “the last two have been OK, but this one, this is an evil one,” Thomas said.

How is it that the first floods now seem comparatively meek…

All their possessions.



Ruined by the murky sludge of poor Tory policy.

We know maintaining woodland supports the natural management of water flow.

Nature is our natural defender to the elements.

So why do we continue to eradicate woodland along our rivers and waterways, only to make room for more housing?

We know paved driveways causes flooding from surface runoff.

Flagstone gardens impeding stream flow.

Why do we ignore nature’s warnings?

Our government has the platform for galvanising farm owners to adopt agroforestry, the science of which shows a clear benefit to the quality of their soil and resulting crops, while also acting as natural flood defence.

They can rally landowners to begin reforestation; promoting the benefits of rewilding for air quality, and improvements to the wider land.

Housebuilders ought to be regulated for ensuring protection of natural defences around rivers and waterways; using Great Mother’s already-in-place solutions which have protected us for millennia.

Instead, our government contracts new extraction projects in the North Sea fields, contributing to the very cause of the world’s increasing wild weather events.

Why do they continue to stand idle while homes and businesses drown under the weight of the winter deluge.

If Labour was to blame for the flooding in 2014, David, who is to blame for it now?

I’d love to hear your thoughts this time.


anti-clickbait content writer

I write about humans’ potential to activate peak performance

you can visit my website here | wearehumans.digital




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