James Lord
3 min readMay 15, 2018

Top 7 Reasons To Own An Electric Car

Pic Credit: Tesla.com

Electric vehicles are gaining significant importance in the US market because of their distinct benefits. The electric vehicles are however facing some conflicting responses and as a consumer, one should first realize its unique features to get the straight truth.

Here is a rundown on the top 7 reasons to own an electric car-

  1. Zero pipe emission

Gas emitted cars are pollution causing and adversely affect the health and the environment. Gas sold cars average around 26 mpg and other accompanying emissions. Even the best of the hybrid cars still emit some pollutants into the atmosphere. Though, this is controversial as the electric vehicles themselves have to be fueled up by electric which is produced in the power plants. Power plants as we all know it emit pollutants in the environment.

2. Convenience

The electric vehicles can be charged at home. You do not have to hustle around in search of gas stations. A simple plug in at home that takes only a few seconds lets you full your car’s tank every morning. The electric vehicles are also simple to maintain as they are mechanically very simple. In certain locations, EVs even have the access to restricted lanes in the highways and bridges, tolls are free and special parking spots are allocated for these vehicles. The drivers of the gasoline cars have to change the oil of the cars after every 5000 or 1000 miles which is not the case with the ones with electric vehicles.

3. Better driving experience

With an electric vehicle, you have a smooth driving experience as the engine develops an instant torque and have better acceleration and deceleration. The centre of gravity of these vehicles is also less, therefore, giving you a better driving experience and the responsiveness of the vehicle.

4. Inexpensive

Did you know that an electric vehicle costs you only $3.74 worth of electricity while a gasoline car costs you $13.36 to travel the same 100 miles? This is of course a round off figure and not accurate to the significant digits. But on an average, you save around $9.62 dollars for every 100 miles. Calculating for 12,000 miles, your electric vehicle will cost you only $449 as compared to $1,603 in a conventional car. This saves you a lot of money, along with the money you save on maintenance.

5. Reduced maintenance

The electric vehicle have a very reduced maintenance as there are no such issues such as oil changing and spark plug repairs. They also have very less moving parts as compared to a conventional car. The gasoline powered cars also have to be serviced on frequent intervals for their combustion engines. One of the prominent features of a EV is regenerative braking, i.e. returning the energy back to the battery.

6. Quiet drive

When one specially purchases a car for a quiet and smooth drive, he/she has to pay extra for that luxury experience. EVs do not cost extra for this feature while they also deliver power efficiently.

7. It is a simpler than a hybrid car

The maintenance and servicing that apply to a car powered by combustion also applies to a hybrid car. There are also the parts such as battery, motor and controller in a gas electric power train. Hybrid cars are definitely better than the gas powered engine cars but electric cars are much simpler machines.

The batteries in the electric vehicles are comparable to the engines of a gasoline car. They are beautifully engineered to have a long life span. The cost, although may seem high, the long lasting effects and the cost that come with maintaining the vehicle gradually go down with time that mainly includes the maintenance cost. If you are on the lookout for your next vehicle or planning to sell your vehicle for cash, buying and electric car is an option you must consider.

James Lord

Traveler, car lover, Wine without any thing.