Audiocraft 2016

James Parkinson
2 min readMar 8, 2016


Podcasting has been around for over ten years. The recent boom we’ve seen in North America is not a renaissance, but a progression. It was only a matter of time.

Here in Australia, podcasting as an ‘industry’ is still very much in its infancy, but this past weekend may have been a crucial turning point. On Saturday, March 5 I attended the inaugural Audiocraft conference in Sydney. An event specifically for radio producers and podcasters focused on audio storytelling. My kind of conference!

It was a packed schedule of workshops and discussions where industry experts and independents alike were able to share their knowledge, experiences and just geek out about everything audio. From beginners tips and finding great stories to narrative techniques and in-depth sound design.

Miyuki Jokiranta and Timothy Nicastri lead a session on sound design.

As with any conference it was also a chance to network and meet new people. I swear you could feel the creative energy in the room! Everyone with their own podcasts and creative projects trying to navigate this young but growing medium.

Also announced on the day was Audiocraft’s short feature challenge. A competition for emerging producers, in partnership with Radio National, which shows a commitment to the future of creative audio in Australia.

And if you missed out on the conference itself, each session was recorded and is now available via podcast. Follow up events are also planned.

If I took one thing away from the day, it was inspiration. Australia may be a small country but this community is passionate, enthusiastic and ambitious. If Audiocraft 2016 is anything to go by, the future is bright.



James Parkinson

Telling stories through sound. Audio Producer & Journalist.