Why KABOOM! Is Now Accepting Donations of Cryptocurrency

James Siegal
3 min readAug 6, 2021

Beginning today, KABOOM! is now accepting donations of cryptocurrency from our supporters. Our community-informed innovation has helped to sustain 25 years of creating kid-designed playspaces for millions of kids, and we believe that cryptocurrency will allow even more supporters to join KABOOM! in accelerating our mission.

KABOOM! has always embraced new ideas, from registering one of the first nonprofit websites the year before google.com was registered, to reimagining what the playground can look like. Above all, our commitment to listening and learning has led to the constant evolution of how we work with our supporters and alongside communities.

It’s by listening to kids that we engage communities in building a range of playspaces that best fit their needs — including kid-designed playgrounds, adventure courses, multi-sport courts, and Play Everywhere projects that transform everyday spaces into places to play. As we continue to learn where playspace inequities exist across child-serving systems, we become better equipped to ensure that every child — and particularly children of color — have every opportunity to experience the physical, social, and emotional benefits of play. And, critical to our cause, we’ve learned that by building stronger, more diverse partnerships with supporters from the philanthropic, corporate, and government sectors, we can build better relationships to help achieve playspace equity.

Cryptocurrency offers another innovative way for us to engage champions of our cause. After reading about the growing intersection of blockchain technology and social impact, I began to immerse myself in the cryptocurrency community and have been both surprised and inspired to see its alignment with KABOOM! and our history of impact-driven innovation.

At KABOOM!, we have been committed to three values which continue to lead our work today: Racial Equity, Community, and PLAYce. These values are shared with many in the crypto community. This includes those that are motivated by a desire to make the world a better place for the next generation by supporting financial inclusion for those who’ve felt like they don’t belong elsewhere. At the same time, this community is trying to solve issues that disproportionately impact low-income communities and communities of color — from banking the unbanked to climate change. And, from even a quick glance at the names of popular cryptocurrency tokens, it is easy to see that the community is a playful place that brings joy to their vision for the future.

These shared values are why I am excited for KABOOM! to build community with the crypto world.

We are starting with a small, but important step — adding the ability to accept donations of cryptocurrency. Any new effort has its risks, and cryptocurrency’s volatility and FUD headwinds are no exception. That is one reason we are thrilled to be partnering with two leaders in the field of cryptocurrency giving, The Giving Block and GiveSafely.io. The Giving Block, a preeminent crypto donation platform and the force behind the Crypto Giving Pledge, enables crypto donations to be automatically liquidated to US dollars through the Gemini exchange and then delivered directly to nonprofits. GiveSafely.io, an innovative blockchain-powered donation platform built by the BBB Wise Giving Alliance, connects crypto donors with trusted, BBB-accredited charities like KABOOM!.

For KABOOM!, your crypto donation — whether through our website, The Giving Block, or GiveSafely — can make an important difference by helping us to build playspaces for kids that are often denied safe places to play due to systemic racism and historic disinvestment in their community. Learn more about how to donate cryptocurrency to KABOOM! at our website.

As we continue to innovate, we always want to hear from you — our supporters. If you have thoughts on what we should be doing to build community, please connect with us!



James Siegal

Senior Fellow at KABOOM! working to end playspace inequity. Curious about intersection of #blockchain #crypto #defi & #philanthropy #socialimpact #racialequity.