The End of AI Hallucinations: A Big Breakthrough in Accuracy for AI Application Developers

James Lee Stakelum
6 min readSep 3, 2024

I’ve just learned something today that can help you big time if you’re building LLM apps.

It has to do with preventing hallucinations.

One persistent challenge has plagued even the best LLMs: hallucinations. These erroneous outputs, where AI models generate false or misleading information, have long been considered an inherent flaw in large language models (LLMs).

However, a revolutionary discovery by programmer and inventor Michael Calvin Wood is challenging this assumption and paving the way for a new era of accurate AI — one that could transform how we handle data and build AI-powered applications.

Why This Matters for Developers

This breakthrough has significant implications…

By eliminating hallucinations, we can ensure that AI-generated content based on our processes is accurate and reliable.

Understanding the Root Cause

Contrary to popular belief, AI hallucinations are not primarily caused by insufficient training data, incorrect model assumptions, or biased algorithms. Instead, the core issue lies in how LLMs process and generate information based on what Wood calls “noun-phrase routes”.

LLMs organize information around noun phrases, and when they encounter words or phrases with similar semantic meanings, they sometimes conflate or misinterpret them. This leads to the model choosing incorrect “routes” when generating responses, resulting in hallucinations.

How LLMs Really Work

LLMs organize information around noun phrases, and when they encounter words or phrases with similar semantic meanings, they sometimes conflate or misinterpret them. This leads to the model choosing incorrect “routes” when generating responses, resulting in hallucinations.

For example:
1. When asked about the properties of magnesium, an AI might incorrectly provide information about calcium because these elements are semantically similar in its training data.
2. In language translation, Google Translate might confuse the meaning of “pen” (writing instrument vs. animal enclosure) because both meanings are associated with the same word.

The Noun-Phrase Dominance Model

Wood’s research has led to the development of the Noun-Phrase Dominance Model, which posits that neural networks in LLMs self-organize around noun phrases during training. This insight is crucial for understanding how to eliminate hallucinations.

Real-World Examples

1. Language translation: Google Translate often misinterprets words with multiple meanings, like “pen” (writing instrument or animal enclosure) or “bark” (dog sound or tree covering).

2. Question answering: ChatGPT has been known to confuse similar names, like “Alfonso” and “Afonso”, leading to incorrect historical information.

3. Medical information: In one study, ChatGPT hallucinated PubMed IDs 93% of the time and had a 60% or greater hallucination rate for volume numbers, page numbers, and publication years.

The Solution: Fully-Formatted Facts

Wood’s breakthrough approach involves transforming input data into what he calls “Fully-Formatted Facts” (FFF). These are simple, self-contained statements that are:

1. Literally true in their independent meaning
2. Devoid of noun-phrase conflicts with other statements
3. Structured as simple, well-formed, complete sentences

By presenting information to LLMs in this format, Wood has demonstrated the ability to achieve 100% accuracy in certain types of AI tasks, particularly in question-answering scenarios.

How is Michael doing the FFF processing?

I don’t see anywhere Michael gives us a cook-book recipe for how exactly to do the FFF processing, but, in what I’ve read he does give us a few hints, and from those hints, it appears his method of solving the ambiguity problem in text began by using the Python Spacy library to do named-entity-recognition, and eventually evolved into using an LLM to transform passages of text into a derivative that removes as much ambiguity as possible, while at the same time attempting to retain the writing style of the original document.

The REST API his company makes available is intended as a wrapper around GPT-4o and GPT-4o-mini. Instead of calling OpenAI by REST API, instead, you submit your request to the system Michael built, using a similar syntax as you would use for calling OpenAI. The system them transforms your test to remove the ambiguity.

I presume he’s preprocessing the text in prompts submitted through the REST API, and if I’m understanding what I’ve read on his website, he’s also done some fine-tuning training of the OpenAI GPT4o models.

Contrast with Current Methods

Current state-of-the-art methods, like Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), attempt to reduce hallucinations by providing more context to the AI. However, this approach has limitations:

1. RAG still sends “slices of documents” to the AI, which can contain ambiguous or conflicting information.
2. Even with RAG, ChatGPT-3.5 Turbo had a 23% hallucination rate when answering questions about Wikipedia articles.
3. Adding more context sometimes increases hallucinations by introducing more potential noun-phrase conflicts.

Wood’s method, on the other hand, focuses on eliminating noun-phrase conflicts entirely, addressing the root cause of hallucinations.

Implementation and Results

The implementation of this new approach, dubbed RAG FF (Retrieval Augmented Generation with Formatted Facts), has shown remarkable results. In tests using third-party datasets like RAG Truth, researchers were able to eliminate hallucinations in both GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 Turbo for question-answering tasks.

Case Study: Eliminating Translation Errors

To demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach, consider the following example:

Original text: “Where’s the chicken? Is it in the pen?”
Google Translate: [Incorrect translation due to ambiguity of “pen”]

Fully-Formatted Fact: “Where’s the chicken? Is the chicken in the animal enclosure?”
Google Translate: [Correct translation with no ambiguity]

This simple transformation eliminates the potential for hallucination by removing the noun-phrase conflict.

Implications and Future Developments

The discovery of the Noun-Phrase Dominance Model and the effectiveness of Fully-Formatted Facts in eliminating hallucinations has far-reaching implications for the field of AI:

1. Increased Reliability: AI systems can now be developed with a much higher degree of accuracy and reliability, potentially opening up new applications in critical fields like medicine, law, and finance.

2. Efficiency Improvements: By focusing on input formatting rather than model size or training data volume, this approach may lead to more efficient AI systems that require less computational power.

3. Democratization of Accurate AI: As the technique is refined, it may become possible to create highly accurate AI models that can run on smaller devices, including smartphones.

Roadmap for the Future

Wood and his team have outlined a roadmap for expanding the capabilities of hallucination-free AI:

1. Developing converters for various document types, including current events, social media posts, and research studies.
2. Creating specialized converters for domains such as legal briefs, medical studies, and finance.
3. Adapting the technique to work with smaller AI models, potentially culminating in a mobile LLM capable of 100% accuracy.

Conclusion: A New Era of AI Reliability

The discovery of how to eliminate AI hallucinations through proper input formatting represents a significant leap forward in the quest for reliable artificial intelligence. By aligning input data with the way LLMs actually process information, Wood has unlocked the potential for truly accurate AI systems.

As this technology continues to develop and expand into new domains, we may be on the cusp of a new era in AI reliability. The implications for industries ranging from healthcare to legal services are profound, potentially ushering in a future where AI can be trusted as a consistent source of accurate information and assistance.

While there is still work to be done in expanding this technique to cover all types of AI tasks and document formats, the foundation has been laid for a revolution in AI accuracy. As we move forward, the focus will likely shift from mitigating hallucinations to refining and expanding the capabilities of these newly accurate AI systems, opening up exciting possibilities for innovation and progress in the field of artificial intelligence.

Experience RAGFix for Yourself

For those eager to experience the power of hallucination-free AI firsthand, RAGFix offers a practical implementation of these groundbreaking concepts. To explore the capabilities of RAGFix and potentially integrate this technology into your own projects, visit their official website:

At, you can:

1. Access detailed documentation on the technology
2. Try out demos showcasing the accuracy of the system
3. Explore REST API integration options for your own applications
4. Stay updated on the latest developments and expansions of the technology

As we stand on the cusp of a new era in AI reliability, tools like RAGFix are paving the way for more trustworthy and effective AI systems. Whether you’re a developer, researcher, or business leader, investigating this technology could provide valuable insights into the future of accurate AI.

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James Lee Stakelum

Creator of Firebird code generator. Creator of RoboComposer text-to-music AI. Patent-pending for multimedia content generation of movies-on-demand using AI.