James William Hollibush
3 min readSep 11, 2023


Liege Lord and Fealty: A Pledge of Allegiance

In the feudal system of medieval Europe, the terms "liege lord" and "fealty" were central to the relationship between a lord and their vassal. These terms defined the obligations and expectations of both parties, and they played a vital role in maintaining social and political order.

Liege Lord

A liege lord was the supreme feudal overlord to whom a vassal owed homage and allegiance. The term "liege" comes from the Old French word *lige*, meaning "bound by duty." A vassal's allegiance to their liege lord was absolute, and they were expected to provide military service, financial support, and other forms of assistance. The liege lord, in turn, was responsible for protecting their vassals and upholding their rights.

The relationship between a liege lord and their vassal was based on a contract of mutual obligation. The vassal swore an oath of fealty to their lord, promising to be faithful and obedient. In return, the lord granted the vassal a fief, which was a piece of land or other property. The fief provided the vassal with a source of income and a means of supporting their family.


Fealty was the oath of allegiance that a vassal swore to their liege lord. It was a solemn promise to be faithful, obedient, and respectful. The oath of fealty was typically sworn in a public ceremony, with the…

