Exactly What Is Labour Hire

Jamie Mueller
2 min readAug 23, 2018


The role in the agency is usually to recruit and pick the staff for clients’ roles, and importantly, to keep a swimming pool of obtainable workers to the various assignments that might arise from day to day. The company is just not of great importance and use on their clients should they do not have appropriate staff when asked. Labour hire is often a convenient alternative for companies who need staff, try not to need to (or can’t) hire directly. Nationwide in 2002, there have been over 230,000 labour hire workers in accordance with the Australian Productivity Commission, which number is constant to trend upwards. For the examine why a lot of publication rack using agencies, look into the following benefits.
1) Flexibility — if a new shipment of stock arrives, there are other staff on call to cope with it. Similarly, your small business can feel comfortable tendering or quoting to get a big contract, simply because they know they could access staff to back them in the event they win the contract.

2) Non-commitment — many industries are seasonal, requiring a larger workforce during sometimes of year, and much less workers during in other cases. While on an agency, companies can easily increase or decrease their staff levels as needed.
3) Once off assignments are OK — if a cleaners were built with a contract to execute a major clean with a cruiseship that docked in the city just once per year, they can easily contain the right a higher level staff to do the job almost overnight, whereas it would not fit the bill to utilize numerous staff for the complete year just waiting for the shipped to arrive.
4) Outsourced HR — companies can spend numerous hours advertising, interviewing, checking backgrounds, checking references, and making selections — only to must do this again 2–3 weeks down the road in the event the employee fails out. By using a agency, this no longer is the problem from the company; instead it’s handled by the agency entirely.
5) Outsourced payroll and admin — interpreting awards, calculating timesheets, giving an answer to staff enquiries, and processing payroll are tasks that consume substantial intervals. When a company chooses to activate staff through an agency, these functions are performed externally, detaching the administrative burden from in-house staff.
The word labour hire is mainly an Australian term — far away it’s known as staffing or manpower, and also the companies who give you the service are known as manpower agencies or staffing agencies.
To learn more about temp labour hire resource: check here.

