Jan Bossing
2 min readMar 25, 2018



Marion James, Queen of the Blues, Tennessee Jazz and Blues Society

Today, I have been wearing my shirt imprinted as follows: “Musicians Aid Society since 1983, Legacy of Nashville Queen of the Blues Marion James, Sharing and Caring.” It is a great looking shirt with a guitar player in front of the Nashville skyline and all of the printing mentioned above.

When I wear my Musicians Aid Society shirt, it reminds me of the many wonderful shows I saw back in the day. Marion James raised money for musicians who needed help; the shows were packed with amazing artists and ordinary fans like me. Ms. James herself would often be at the front door to greet her guests and thank us for being there. She always sang, too. And her set was the high-light of the night for me.

We’ll miss her presence among us now, but her music and her love will live on — in the Society she founded. On a recent visit to Nashville, I went over to Carol Ann’s Home-Cooking Cafe for the show presented by the Musicians Aid Society. I paid my dues (long overdue), and received a bright blue membership card with the same logo described above; I also received the beautiful shirt which now wraps me with warm memories of the great music and the great heart of Marion James, the woman who cared so much about the history of all Nashville music and about the musicians who made it.

Marion James, Tennessee Jazz and Blues Society

