Why You Need To Take Hemp Products.

jan cornish
2 min readAug 8, 2018


Actually, hemp is a member of cannabis family and is mostly found in areas around the northern hemisphere. The maturity of this plant is between three and four months. Its different parts are used for various purposes and for making various hemp products. One of the most used parts is the hemp seed. You can consume these seeds when they are raw or after different preparations. Learn more about Hippie Butter, go here.

Hemp protein powder, cheese, milk, protein, and oil are some of the food products that are made using these seeds among other plant parts. Hemp chocolate bars are other products made using hemp seeds and oils. Hemp coffee is also brewed using the plant seeds. However, when looking for these products, ensure you get them from reliable preparers like Hippie Butter.

On the other hand, there are other aspects you need to consider when selecting these hemp products. The CBD ingredient and its concentration on a certain food product should be a prioritized consideration. Through this determination, you are able to take the required amount. For example, when selecting a vegan dark chocolate bar, reading the label will help understand the CBD proportion.

The products bought should be prepared in a clean and hygienic manner and standards. The products should be safe for consumption. You need to look for a product that bears food safety certifications stamps such as FDA stamp. When you take these products, you will enjoy certain benefits.

1. Nutrition benefits.

This is one of the major benefits you will enjoy once you take these products. The seeds are nutty in terms of flavor and taste. When mixed with chocolate or coffee, a unique taste is formed. Due to the addition of sweeteners, the products become tasty during consumption. Therefore, you can easily get the required CBD oil amount because you do not have to encounter any difficulty when taking the products,

Taking sweet and tasty products is easy for both children and adults. Through the intake of these products, you can easily track the amount of CBD oil you have taken, This is done through calculations on the percentage of CBD oil in a product and the volume of the product taken. Other product such as hemp coffee does not cause acidity or bitterness.

2. Health benefits.

Hemp oil and products will have a strong health impact on your body when taken. Hemp is not sativa or marijuana plant species that contain THC which causes highness of psychoactive feeling. This means you will not suffer from such effects. When you take these products, you will reduce the occurrence of heart-related problems, diseases and complications. You will also benefit from reduced PMS and menopause complications. Inflammations and skin disorders will also be reduced. Take a look at this link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemp_oil for more information.

