2017 can come. We will be ready.

Jan-Cayo Fiebig
2 min readDec 30, 2016


2016 was a tough year where the world encountered a lot of set backs. The news were covered with hate, skepticism and destruction. Elections, wars and terrorism creating anger, disappointment and fear. Despite daily negative headlines I encountered a year full of excitement, joy and learnings. I loved, I cried and truly lived. Not by recalling the past or expecting the future. By simply being present and fighting each battle, moment after moment. Not easy when being almost killed, robbed, hospitalised and constantly broke. Yet life is a balance. It has to be. A situation is never bad or good. We have the free mind to evaluate and decide. It is us, who have the will to accomplish a higher life instead of being constantly flooded by an inflow of negativity. Your thoughts trigger your feelings, which trigger your actions, which define who you are.

Yes, sometimes you are stranded, not knowing what is right or wrong. Overwhelmed by choices in a rapidly changing environment. This puzzled world should give us strengths to form and grow. Yet we feel betrayed and left alone. Why do we always have to be the strong ones leading the way? The simple answer is because we can. Everything starts with us. We are the master of ourselves. Legislations change, politics change but we have the power to impact our own lives for the positive. Not accepting to give our will, creativity and greatness to the hands of chaos and agony. We know what is right and wrong. We feel the fairness and injustice. Do not take the burden of the world on your shoulders and start doing what is right for yourself. Day by day becoming the person you want to be. We stand alone but walk together as a community of changemakers. Digital Heroes that start with living our lives to the fullest one step at a time.

At CodersTrust, we defined 10 Principles that drives us forward. A set of believes that brings us together and unites us. What do you believe in? What inspires and drives you? Write it down. Read it out. Feel it and live it.

Act with love, joy, patience and happiness. May we be a better version of ourselves today and thriving to accomplish more by tomorrow. 2017 can come.

We will be ready.



Jan-Cayo Fiebig

On a mission to enable the next generation of Digital Heroes Life Lover | Entrepreneur | Adventurer | Opportunity Seeker | CoFounder @CodersTrust