Jane Edbrooke
1 min readDec 17, 2018

Dear friend

I wanted to let you know that I have sadly resigned as a Councillor. This is due to taking up a new job that is politically restricted so I cannot continue to be a councillor.

I want to apologise to the people of Thornton ward and Thornton Labour Party. I had every intention of serving as your Councillor for four years but since then I have unexpectedly received a career opportunity that would not allow me to stay as a councillor. After great thought and reflection I feel I can’t pass up this opportunity. I did not take this decision lightly and I want to apologise for letting you down.

I am proud of my time as a Lambeth Councillor and Cllr Lib Peck, as Leader of the Council, and Lambeth Labour Councillors still have my full support and admiration. Ed and Lib are excellent local Councillors in Thornton and I have enjoyed working with them immensely.

I have lived in Thornton ward for eight years and it is where I am proud to bring up my family. I hope to continue to use the invaluable skills I’ve learnt as a Councillor to continue to be an active and engaged resident working to keep Thornton a great place to live.

