Be your weird eccentric strange unique self with pride, and find inner peace and purpose.

Since childhood, I have always been The Strange One

Jane Manthorpe
2 min readNov 6, 2022

The one who looks different, the one who says funny unusual things, gets jokes wrong, and clumsy and eccentric.

And I felt ashamed and bashful about it, because I was the centre of teasing and bullying.

But today, at 57, I don’t care what others think.

I embrace who I am and live a non-conformist life.

I embrace and express the full authentic me in all her glory, still clumsy and eccentric, still getting the jokes wrong and still looking different.

Even if I tried I will never change, it’s just how I’m made.

We all come across weird to others in someway, as we are all unique, and we need to love our weirdness and show it with pride.

You get to know who your true friends are.

They are the ones who can embrace your weirdness and uniqueness, and accept you just as you are.

I’m a woman who chooses to be a non-conformist and rebel.

Showing who I truely am, no falseness, just pure authenticity.

And in doing so, I have found inner peace and my calling.

Will you do the same?

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog



Jane Manthorpe

Natures Raw Vegan: Natural holistic living, solely living off natures foods. Learn how nature assists self-healing, and connects you to your authentic self.