Adam C., 32, Las Vegas, Nevada

Adam C.: Diversity dealer

2 min readApr 7, 2015


Most hated stereotype: That people who talk with a dialect, particularly Southern — black or white — aren’t smart. We can all agree that reading is fundamental and surely can lead to better things, but it doesn’t replace common sense.

When you see Adam’s red hair and hear his Southern twang, the culture that lies beneath his appearance may come as a surprise.

His fathers side of the family is entrenched in a small Northern Louisiana town, but his mother’s family sprouted from Hawaii.

“Growing up in the rural South with a brown-skinned grandmother gave me a different perspective,” he said. “So like it or not, that makes me mixed. Red hair, fair skin and all.”

While his outward appearance might put some at ease, his lived experience is quick to correct.

“What some people think when they’re dealing with me is that it’ll be cool to tell me a racist joke, maybe drop an N-word now and then,” he said. “Well, they’d be mistaken. I read the code, but I don’t speak it.”

Visit reTyped to read the rest of Adam’s thoughts on diversity and stereotypes.

reTyped is an online storytelling project aiming to change the conversation about stereotypes. Visit the site to read more stories and add your own.




Writer, editor, reader, dreamer. Recovering journalist. Teller of stories.