Random Adulting Tips That Anyone Could Benefit From

I think we could all take a group census and agree that adulting is stressful.

Janell Lynette
4 min readFeb 23, 2017

Me as a kid: “ I cant wait to be an adult, they get to do everything they want”

Me now (realizing that everything costs money and takes up time/energy i don’t have):

“Issa trap”

However, over the years I have learned some tips that have made adulting more efficient. ✨

Even if you’re already aware of some of these tips, I hope that everyone can at least find 1 or 2 beneficial!

1) Karma is real and has a sweet side

When you support others, you are in turn supporting yourself.

What goes around comes around, right? Why limit this to negative energies..

Going to other peoples events, re-posting people’s crafts online, buying merchandise from friends, are all ways that will come to help you in the long run. In general, people are more likely to support someone who has supported them in the past. So do yourself a favor and put some good karma in your life by networking as a team, instead of always competing against each one another.

2) Getting tested doesn’t have to be another bill

Quick Fact:(Not to be confused with Alternative Facts, Mrs. Kellyanne Conway)

In 2015 there were almost 40,000 new cases of individuals testing positive for HIV

Recent surveys:

Most people don’t know this, but getting testing for HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.) can be 100% free if you utilize your resources. Most major cities have Free Rapid HIV/STD Testing Centers that are quick and efficient ways to know your status.



3) There ARE ways to sneak your veggies in

We’re all aware that our health is detrimental to our quality of life. However, how often is it that we take the necessary steps to be healthy? I get it, its hard, time consuming, and you probably don’t even know where to begin. Here’s a start to the folks who are agreeing with every statement thus far: Buy a blender!

Smoothies changed my life. Every morning I drink a smoothie consisting of a variety of my favorite fruits, yogurt, orange juice, spinach or kale, and ice.

With this method, I am getting my fruits and a portion of my vegetable intake, in an easy, tasty way!

Here are some additional smoothie recipes:

4) Waffle Makers make cooking quick and easy

Using a waffle maker for merely making waffles is limiting!

I too was a victim of lacking creativity and innovation, in reference to using my waffle maker. Nonetheless, I have had an awakening of the many ways to make use of my $10 waffle maker.

You can put almost anything inside of a waffle maker.

That’s right folks, I’ve made chicken quesadillas, cinnamon rolls, grilled cheese sandwiches, pizzas, and more into delicious waffles! All while being quick, easy, and efficient!

Here are some recipes that can help to spark your own innovative recipes:

5) Being present should NOT be a lost art.

As citizens of today’s society, we tend to have our lives in the palm of our hands. Our phones, while extremely helpful, have a tendency to keep us distracted and out of the moment’s loop at times.

Think about the last time your phone died while you were out:

If you’re social, you may have talked to a stranger.

If you’re less friendly, you may have observed things that your phone would have taken your attention from.

In most moments where we are uncomfortable or bored, most of us will reach for our phones as a way to rescue us from the current situation. In doing so, we are unfortunately prohibiting potential moments that occur from awkwardness or boredom as a whole.

These acts are ruining our interpersonal relationships

Next time you are around others, try to keep your phone out of sight and engage in the moment!

Thanks for reading, be sure to like and recommend this post if you enjoyed it!

