Domain Flipping Guide: How to Flip Domain Names Quickly

9 min readMay 8, 2022

Domain Flipping Tutorial Basics

You can skip this part if you are already familiar with the basics of flipping domains.

What is a Domain Name

A domain name is simply the web address of a website. For example, is the domain name of the world’s most used search engine. The domain name is usually the name of your business, brand, or company.

The ending word in a domain name is called a domain name extension. .com, .org, .net, and .info are some of the most popular extensions.

For example, is the domain name of my digital marketing business. is the domain name of free digital marketing tools called H-Supertools. is the domain name of Fast Domainer, which helps you search, generate, and find domain names.

What’s an Expired Domain Name?

An expired domain is a domain name that was once registered by someone or some company but is no longer in use. That usually means it’s available for sale now. You can buy them and then sell them for a higher price.

But why expired domains anyway?

The answer is backlinks and so-called authority. When a domain name expires, it usually comes with backlinks from other websites. That means the domain has some sort of authority.

That’s why people who are in the domain flipping business buy expired domain names. Then they sell them for a higher price to people who want to start a new website or blog with an already established domain name.

What is Domain Flipping: How Does Domain Flipping Work

Domain flipping is the process of buying a domain name and then selling it for a profit. The most common method is to buy an undervalued domain name and then sell it for a high price.

Domain flipping works by taking advantage of the fact that domain names are not all created equal. While most people think of a domain name as simply a web address, there is a lot more to it than that.

Here is how it works:

  • Search for a perfect domain name (the most challenging task).
  • Buy it right away (the easiest part).
  • And sell it for a high price (a partly challenging task).

Domain names are valued based on several factors I’ll discuss later in the domain flipping guide. But why flip a domain name in the first place?

Why Flipping Domain Names: And Why Not!

Domain names are bought and sold all the time, and their value can fluctuate greatly.

For example, let’s say you buy a domain name for $10. A few months later, the value of that domain name goes up to $100. If you sell it at that point, you’ve made a profit of $90. These are some of the most expensive domain names publicly reported:

  • valued at $872 million
  • sold for $345 million
  • sold for $49.7 million
  • sold for $35.6 million
  • bought for $35 million

And the list continues. But don’t expect to make millions flipping domain names. I’ll be a little more realistic in this domain flipping guide. Let’s see what the world’s largest domain registrar, GoDaddy, says about this.

Of course, not all domain names will increase in value.

Many will decrease in value. The key to successful domain flipping is to buy low and sell high. By doing this, you can make a profit even when the domain name doesn’t increase in value.

Let me tell you a few benefits and disadvantages of domain flipping so you know what you’re getting into.

Top Benefits of Domain Flipping

1. The global market for domain names is still growing.

2. The aftermarket for domain names is still strong.

3. Domain flipping provides a high ROI.

4. You can still find undervalued domain names.

5. The barrier to entry is still low.

6. You can work from anywhere in the world.

7. It’s a fun and exciting business.

8. There is no need to create or maintain a website.

9. No after-sale calls or queries.

10. You can get started with as little as $10.

11. It’s a great way to make some extra money.

12. You can make a lot of money in a short amount of time.

13. Domain flipping is still a viable business model in 2022.

14. No after-sale calls or queries.

Drawbacks of Domain Flipping

Domain flipping can be a great way to make some extra money, but it’s important to remember that it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes time and effort to find undervalued domain names and then sell them for a profit.

These are some of the reasons you should not go for flipping domain names:

1. There is no guarantee that you will make a profit.

2. You could lose money if you’re not extremely careful.

3. It takes time and effort to find undervalued domain names.

4. Selling a domain name can be challenging.

5. Experience necessary to be successful is a must.

6. The market for domain names is highly competitive.

7. It’s hard to predict how the market will behave.

8. You need to have patience.

9. You might not be able to sell a domain name for as much as you think it’s worth.

10. Flipping domain names is a risky business.

If you’re patient and persistent, though, it can be a very lucrative business. Are you still interested? Then jump on the domain flipping tutorial right now.

Domain Flipping Guide: How to Flip Domain Names for Profit

Flipping domains is an extremely controversial topic. Some people believe that it’s a waste of time and money, while others have found it to be a very profitable business. You must be interested in it because you’re still reading about it here.

I have already discussed the pros and cons of domain flipping in this guide. Now is the time to throw light on the process and tips on how to flip domain names.

1. Search for a Domain Name for Flipping

Finding a domain name to flip is the first and most important step. Search for a domain name that is worth buying. You want to ensure you make substantial money for flipping domains.

Brainstorming for a domain name is the key to finding a good one. When you think of a great domain, write it down and do a quick search to see if it is available.

Explore the Niche You’re Interested In

If you are to make money domain flipping, you have to understand the market and trends in the industry you’re targeting. You want to find a domain name in a niche that is popular, but not over-saturated.

For example, I bought AdzOut.Com for about $9 which is currently valued at $1300. It might be even better if an advertising network or company wants to buy the name.

AffBeginner.Com is a wonderful domain name for the affiliate marketing niche for beginners. I bought it for $9 only. When choosing these domain names, I thought of niche and value terms in the industry.

Check Out Domain Auctions

Auction sites are a great place to start when looking for domains to flip. You can find domains that are already registered and maybe up for sale. ExpiredDomains is one of the best places to find these types of domains.

You want to look for domain names that are about to expire or have already expired. These domains will likely be cheaper and easier to flip. I will discuss this later in the domain flipping guide.

Keep An Eye on Industry’s Trends

That’s an important domain flipping tip. It is essential to know what’s happening in the industry you’re targeting. You don’t want to buy a domain name in an industry that is about to die out.

By keeping up with industry trends, you can buy domain names that are likely to be more valuable shortly. This will help you make more money when flipping domains.

Checking Google Trends is a good way to get an idea of what is popular in terms of searches. For example, NFT blasted on the internet this year but now declining a little bit.

YouTube is the largest video search engine. Keep an eye on what’s trending on YouTube to come up with the domain name ideas.

Twitter is a great platform to follow trends in various niches.

Flippa is one of the best domain flipping marketplaces. You can get an idea of what domains are selling for by looking at the auction prices.

Exploding Topics Pro is a wonderful place to discover topics months before they take off. Look at the trending topics and get domain name ideas for flipping.

And the list goes on! You can search for domain name ideas on Facebook, Quora, Reddit, and more.

Your goal is to find a domain that you can buy for relatively cheap and then sell for a much higher price.

2. Pick a Perfect Domain Name That Sells Fast

When you’re trying to choose a domain name, you want to ensure it is something that people or companies will want to buy. The valuation of domain names depends on tons of factors I’ll discuss in this section.

Here are a few tips on how to choose a domain name that sells quickly:

  • Keep it short, sweet, and simple.
  • The domain name should be easy to spell, pronounce and memorize.
  • Go for brandable domain names like Google, Facebook, PayPal.
  • Use keyword-rich domains.
  • Brainstorm for the keywords related to the industry.
  • Combine two or three popular keywords.
  • Check for trademark issues
  • Choose for a .com or relevant domain extension always.
  • Research the competition
  • Check the history if it’s an expired domain name.
  • Explore the backlinks profile if it’s an expired domain name.
  • Look for domains that expire soon.

Let me give you some real-life examples now. Look at the domains I have bought.

Adzout, AffBeginner, Bio-URL, and Blockshein are easy to spell, pronounce, and remember. And they showcase a background in some niche.

For example, may be a great crypto domain name. is an extremely short and sweet domain name for an ad network or company. And is great for LinkInBio competitors.

All these domain names are new. But I will talk about expired domain names later in this domain flipping guide.

3. Buy the Domain Names for Flipping

Buying domain names for flipping is the easiest part of flipping domain names. This is how you buy a domain name:

  • Choose a reliable domain registrar.
  • Search for domain name availability.
  • Select the domain name extension.
  • Add privacy protection (optional).
  • Buy it by entering your payment information.

And you’re good to go. But if you want to offer your price, do the same along with setting your price. Ensure you don’t undervalue or overvalue it.

You can buy domain names from a variety of sources.

  • Google Domains

These are some of the most popular domain name marketplaces.

Once you have purchased the domain name, you will want to start building links and driving traffic to it. However, that’s optional.

4. Find a Buyer and Flip the Domain Name for Profits

Selling domain names for making money is the second most important step in domain flipping. You have bought the domain name but who do you sell it to?

Today, we have a lot of options for flipping domain names for profits.

  • Domain flipping forums.
  • Auction sites for domains.
  • Domain flipping websites and software.

Let’s discuss these options in detail now.

Explore Domain Flipping Forums

This is a great place to find potential domain name buyers. You can post a thread about the domain name you are selling and see if anyone is interested.

These are some domain flipping forums:

  • DNForum
  • ExpiredDomains
  • WebHostingTalk Forums
  • Digital Point Forums
  • Warrior Forum Domain Flipping
  • BlackHatWorld Domain Flipping

You can also search for buyers in various domain flipping forums. Ensure you read the rules before posting so you don’t get blocked.

Look for Domain Auctions and Flipping Websites

Another option is to auction off your domain name. This is a great way to get the highest possible price for your domain name.

These are some of the best domain flipping websites and marketplaces.

  • AfterNIC

