2 min readNov 11, 2016

Janus token

by Bjorn

The Janus project has officially launched! This blockchain token represents an immutable way to include you in the future of our business ventures. It’s a cryptographically secure method to bring interested parties into the world we have been diligently building.

Years have passed since starting our journey. Much of these years have been spent building the foundation to function as a team effectively, and work towards creating a strong network of global businesses. It’s time to begin the creation of these businesses that have been heavily researched in their respective industries. Our estimates indicate the potential for revenue and user adoption to be extremely high. Each business will fill areas of weakness in current operation models to capitalize on markets that we found were in need of improvement. Some of the companies we are creating will be entirely focused on improving old business methods to give users maximum effectiveness in their work. Areas such as education, finance, software sales, content management, social FinTech sites, and targeted digital asset marketplaces, are just some of the industries our parent company will be involved with.

We are taking the Janus project to traditional global and country-specific markets. The token itself will be the vehicle to distribute the profits from these companies to you in a very efficient and transparent process. Simply holding tokens allows investors to share in the success of each business Janus helps create. Many projects in the past were based around technological advances with blockchain in an attempt for widespread adoption and valuation. Janus is about value from traditional markets getting fed back into the blockchain token. In cases where we can incorporate the token itself into one of our companies, then we will apply it. However, the primary goals are focused on branding our businesses to be leaders in the established larger global markets.

Investing in Janus tokens is investing in multiple companies. These companies will each be providing token holders with their respective profits based on the final determined percentage from the closing of the token sale. The closer our company gets to the sales cap, the more investors will receive from each company launched.

There is no limitation for Janus because the technology is already proven, our team is proven, and the world does not need to adopt the blockchain technology for our parent company to succeed. The token simply allows those already in cryptocurrency to benefit from our lives’ work. I welcome everyone to join us in our future.

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Please go to www.janustoken.com for further information.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Janus_Token

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Janus-Token-175556269556960/

Nxt Forum: https://nxtforum.org/the-janus-project/

Slack: https://nxtchat.herokuapp.com/ (join channel #janusproject)

Bitcointalk Forum: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1677509.0


Your investment path to regional and global businesses.