What’s an Earthquake Resistant House?

Three different Earthquake Engineering Techniques in Japan

Japan Life Again
6 min readJun 2, 2023

Last year we bought a house in Fukuoka that was built in 1955. Before undertaking any renovation work, we had the Earthquake Resistant Inspection conducted by three different organizations.


The results of the inspections consistently indicated that the house was deemed 'very unsafe.' As a result, we decided to proceed with the Seismic Retrofitting Work.


Now, let me explain the reason why we sought Earthquake Resistant Inspection from three different organizations. The first two organizations suggested Seismic Retrofitting Work, which included strengthening the foundations, building many walls, and replacing the roof tiles with a slate roof. However, this Seismic Retrofitting Work is primarily suitable for modern houses, whereas our house was built with a traditional structure. Hence, our concern arises: 'Will this work truly suit our old house?'


When discussing earthquake engineering techniques in Japan, there are three different methods designed to improve the safety and resilience of structures during earthquakes: Seismic Isolation (免震 Menshin), Seismic Resistance (耐震 Taishin), and Seismic Control (制震 Seishin).


Seismic Isolation 免震, literally meaning 'free from earthquake shaking,' involves the use of isolation systems that decouple the building from ground motion during an earthquake. This is achieved by placing the building on a series of flexible bearings or other devices that absorb seismic energy and prevent it from affecting the structure. The isolation system greatly reduces the seismic forces acting on the building, and it is commonly used in high-rise buildings, bridges, and other critical infrastructure.


Seismic Resistance 耐震, meaning 'resistant to earthquake shaking,' relies on conventional structural design and materials to withstand the seismic forces generated during an earthquake. It entails designing the building with strong foundations, lateral force-resisting systems, and structural connections capable of withstanding ground motion. The goal of seismic design is to prevent the building from collapsing or sustaining major damage during an earthquake while minimizing risks to occupants.


Seismic Control 制震, which means 'control earthquake shaking,' involves the use of damping systems to reduce the amplitude and duration of ground motion during an earthquake. This is achieved by placing devices such as dampers or mass-spring systems within the structure, which can absorb or dissipate seismic energy and reduce the dynamic response of the building. Damping systems prove effective in minimizing earthquake damage to buildings and other structures.


Now, let's examine the drawings depicting Japanese traditional and modern house structures.



Our house was built with the traditional structure, which has big strong wooden pillars and beams connected by wooden parts. The foundation is not concrete, but the pillars stand on the stones. Old houses and temples have this traditional structure.


The pillar stands on the stone.



On the other hand, the modern structure has a concrete foundation. Their diagonal braces and their pillars are connected with the metal parts. This modern structure has been very popular since the Building Standard Act was enforced in 1950.


The traditional structured houses have the character which works well with Seismic Isolation and Seismic Control. When the big earthquake comes, the pillars will shake on the stones (Seismic Isolation), the heavy roof tiles will fall, the mud walls will break, and the wooden pillars will bend (Seismic Control).


The last Earthquake Resistant Inspector that investigated our house called 古民家再生協会 (Association for the Regeneration of Traditional Japanese Houses) suggested the Seismic Retrofitting Work suitable for our old house.


The plan for the Seismic Retrofitting Work in our house involves putting concrete and enlarging the stones under the pillars. Some isolated stones will also be left.


In addition to the foundation work, some new walls will be built, some walls will be reinforced, and dampers will be fitted into the walls.


If someone asks architects or construction companies in Japan, "Between a traditional construction method house and a modern construction method house, which one is more earthquake-resistant?" many of them would answer, "A modern construction method house." This is because in Japan, seismic resilience is emphasized, and architects and construction companies receive training based on the revised Seismic Design Guidelines enacted by 2010.


In reality, the architect from the second company that conducted the seismic assessment showed me photos. They were the collapsed traditional houses taken during the major earthquake that occurred in Kumamoto in 2016. He clearly stated, "Traditional construction is weak against earthquakes."


Is it true that houses built with traditional construction methods are weak against earthquakes? If that is the case, then why do old castles and temples in towns affected by earthquakes remain standing without complete destruction?


Please watch the "Vibration Testing on Traditional Construction Methods Houses" conducted by the Committee for the Development of Design Methods and Performance Verification for Traditional Construction Methods in 2012. (Please refer to the video from 0:19 to 0:37.)




In the experiment, the base of the house on the test platform is not connected to the ground, resulting in the isolation of the shaking (Seismic Isolation).


During the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake in 1995, many wooden houses collapsed, and it is stated that "deterioration due to termite damage, decay, and aging contributed to the extent of the damage." (Source: Cabinet Office Disaster Prevention Information)


Our house was an unoccupied vacant house for 20 years, and during that time, the ceiling deteriorated due to water leaks, which significantly affected the results of the seismic assessment. Additionally, repeated expansion and alteration of the original structure disrupted the balance of the inherent seismic isolation design. As a result, we conducted extensive renovation work, including reducing the expanded parts to restore the original square and balanced shape and replacing the entire roof and ceiling (including the roof tiles). The project was substantial in both scope and cost.


Simply saying that 'old and wooden structures are weak against earthquakes' makes it easy to choose newly constructed houses. However, our task, as the ones left behind, should be to study and explore ways to respect the wisdom of our ancestors who built historic structures using natural materials, and to preserve and pass on these beautiful architectural treasures.




Japan Life Again

Back to Japan after 15 years. Lived in Germany 2007-2012. Lived in England 2012-2021. Living in Fukuoka with my non-Japanese-partner and my child. 日英でブログ書いてます!