A Letter To My Beloved Daughter On Your Graduation Day

Some important things you should know on your special day

Jason Provencio
7 min readMay 27, 2022
Probably my favorite picture of us together. Photo credit: Author

Well, here we finally are. Graduation Day. For you, it likely seems to have been a long, often-fun, sometimes-difficult journey. But here we are.

You will walk across the stage tonight and close an early chapter in your young life. I know you’re excited about the next steps and eager to leave high school behind.

I get it. I felt the same when I graduated 30 years ago in 1992. “Get me out of here, I will not miss high school at ALL.” And it’s true. I haven’t. I wasn’t involved with much during my high school years.

You, you’ve had a different journey. A 4.13 cumulative GPA. Playing violin in the school orchestra for all four years. The same for Improv Club, Image Factory, and Musical Theater. You’ve been a fine arts kid of epic proportions. It’s been a joy to attend every performance I was able to go to.

And then there’s your art. Holy hell, your art. I’ve never seen a person your age so talented at art. It makes sense, you’re your mother’s daughter. In so many ways even more than art. But the art.



Jason Provencio

Award-winning writer and wildlife photographer. Social Justice supporter, LGBTQ ally and Dad. Owner of Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs. &:^)