The Warriors Win Their 4th title in 8 Seasons, and I Couldn’t Be More Proud

A comeback story for the ages

Jason Provencio
10 min readJun 17, 2022
2022 NBA Champion Golden State Warriors. Their 4th title in 8 seasons is an incredible feat. Photo: Author

One thing that many people might not know about me is that I’m a huge NBA fan. Like, REALLY a huge fan. And right now I’m just so damn proud of the Golden State Warriors for winning it all again, tonight.

When I say I’m a huge NBA fan, I’m not kidding. We buy the NBA season pass every season. I watch by my estimation at least 150 games every season, not counting the playoffs. Closer to 200 if you’re counting the postseason.

My Bride knows more about the NBA, the teams, and the players than any woman I know. She discusses basketball with her clients, mainly teenage boys and young men. They are always astounded at her NBA knowledge and she loves telling me about those interactions. I love this about her.

It wasn’t always like this for the both of us. I grew up in California, she traveled the world. My dad was from Los Angeles, so as a young child in the 80s, I saw my fair share of Lakers games with my dad. I started following Michael Jordan in the late 80s. She saw NBA games with her dad watching Larry Bird and the Celtics.

She met a number of the Portland Trailblazers from the late 80s to the early 90s. A couple of her girlfriends hung out with and dated them when she…



Jason Provencio

Award-winning writer and wildlife photographer. Social Justice supporter, LGBTQ ally and Dad. Owner of Bouncin’ and Behavin’ Blogs. &:^)