A Template for Creating Your Own Codex Vitae

Jason Shen
2 min readMar 25, 2020

I did a Twitter LIVE session with Coach Tony about creating your own Codex Vitae (Book of Life), which he’s done here, and which Buster Benson has done here.

Buster cites as inspiration the novel Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore.

“And this is the other treasure. Following in the Founder’s footsteps, every member of this fellowship produces his or her own codex vitae, or book of life. It is the task of the unbound. Fedorov, for example, who you know” — he nods to me — “is one of these. When he is finished, he will have poured everything he has learned, all his knowledge, into a book like these.”

Jordan Peterson has written a whole book about 12 rules, John Perry Barlow has 25 adult principles. (Side note, I have not seem to have found many of these with nonmale authors. Please let me know if you are aware of some).

Why do this

Research has shown that writing down your values can be a powerful way to cultivate courage…



Jason Shen

Rediscover your spark and come back stronger | Executive coach • PM for public groups on FB • the resilience guy • 3x startup founder • Stanford gymnast 🏆