Could It Be Man’s Experiment?

The Jasper Lines
2 min readMar 3, 2018


There are things like UFO’s and aliens that people claim to see. It’s possible to see these things. For years, people have claimed to see UFO’s and aliens roaming around on planet earth. There are people worried that they will some day take over the world. It looks as if they would have taken over by now.

Who and what do you think the aliens and UFO’s are? I strongly do believe that whatever they may be, they are not of God. If they were of God, we wouldn’t have to guess so hard about them. We wouldn’t have to ask questions and wonder. God has told us in the scriptures all that he has made. God is the God of the living and not of the dead according to the Bible ( Mark 12:27). The aliens certainly have a dead look about them. God made man in his own image (Gen. 1:27). Man is beautiful compared to a so called alien.

Could it be that the aliens are man’s experiment? UFO’s flying around and aliens don’t look like something God would do to worry us. When the Lord returns, everybody in the whole world is going to see him and everyone is going to know who he is according to the Bible (Rev.1:7). I do not believe that aliens and UFO’s have anything to do with God and his angels. If they truly exist from another planet, they could be demons because they do not look like something of God. The UFO’s and aliens do not look anything like what was described in Ezekiel 1.

