How Changing Your Words Can Transform Your Reality

“Your thoughts create your reality. Manifest wisely.”

Jaspreet Singh
4 min readJan 16, 2024
Image by yanalya on Freepik

If you are a Law of Attraction believer then it is sure that you are on your manifestation journey. You probably trying to manifest the intention you truly desire and putting every effort to manifest your desires.

But this is also true that sometimes you feel stuck at some point. You may not be getting the results you want.

Believe me, I am familiar with this problem too well.

So what is stopping you from manifesting your desires?

Let me tell you,

The real problem is not our process of manifestation, but there are small mistakes we make daily unconsciously. Here I am going to tell you about the two words that you should avoid if you want to boost up your manifestation process.

By giving proper care and attention to those words you will see changes in your life gradually.

So let’s dive in,

The first word is

I Hope

We often use this word daily in our regular conversations. It may be involved in our self-talk, our thoughts, or externally with some other persons.

The phrases can be like this:

“I hope I can drive that car”

“I hope my life will change someday”

”I hope one day I will be rich”

“I hope everything is fine”

“I hope Money comes to me easily”

And there are many more sentences like this that we use daily.

So, when you use the word “I hope” there is a negative energy behind this word.

The negative emotion associated with this word holds you back. It states that you are waiting for a miracle to happen that will change your life.

By holding this belief you are putting yourself in a state of deprivation that says you are not worthy of something good.

And by using this word again and again in your daily life you surround yourself with negative energy that acts as a major block between you and your desired intentions.

If you are a Law of Attraction believer then you must understand that the Law of Attraction works on the basis of your Energies. The Type of energy you radiate in the universe will return back to you.

If you keep yourself surrounded with negative energies then you will only attract negative events and circumstances.

To change this situation you must take care of your words.

So start using “I know” instead of “I hope”.

When you start using “i know”, this will change your vibrational energies into more abundance and prosperity.

The word “I know” reflects your positive belief in your future intentions and desires. It says that you believe that you will meet you.

This will create a more positive environment around you and you will start to attract positive outcomes.

For instance :

Instead of saying I hope I get the money substitute the sentence by saying that I know I am worthy of this money, I know I can be successful, I know I am getting that car, and many more sentences like this.

See the difference.

Just remove the word “I Hope” from your vocab if you want to accelerate your manifestation journey.

“The moment you decide to no longer think the same way, act the same way, or live by the same emotions, it’s going to feel uncomfortable. And the moment you feel uncomfortable, you just stepped into the river of change.

I Need

The second word that resists your manifestation process is “I Need”. We often use this unconsciously.

You may use it like ”I need to have more money”

“I need to have a big house”

“I need to have good health”

“I need to have a good relationship with my wife”

“I need to have a successful business”

etc etc.

when you use this word daily in your conversations you attract negative energy toward yourself unconsciously. By saying “I need to have” you are sending the vibration of deprivation to the universe.

You are saying that you are a needy person. You are living a poor life and you are feeling a lack of everything you need. You are not happy with your current life. This feeling of deprivation and lack makes you feel miserable and keeps you under the influence of negative vibrations that are totally opposite to your desired intentions.

And as we know according to the Law of attraction Like attracts Like. So in your case, if you are constantly in need of something then you will not be able to manifest your desires. You will only attract Lack and opposite to your desires.

So instead of using this word, Start imagining this world as full of abundance and prosperity.

Start imagining that whatever you desire is already available for you and is waiting for you to receive it.

Nothing is lacking in this world for you. This world is filled with the abundance of money, love, prosperity, and happiness everywhere.

If you would let yourself feel worthiness and abundance from within then you will be able to access all these things.

The universe wants to bless you with all abundance. So stop looking outside for your happiness. Look inside yourself and you will find all your answers.

Your desperation for happiness will only repel it.

So Let your heart be filled with the emotion of abundance and attract all the intentions you desire.

In the end, I want to say that you speed up your manifestation process you just have to change your vocabulary and pay a little more attention to your words.

Just try this, and see the changes.

Feel free to leave your comments and questions if any.



Jaspreet Singh

I am reader and always curious about everything in this life. I want to know everything about every field in this world. And i write, just to spread wisdom ❣️