What Brings You Happiness?

What helps makes your life a little better

Jaxson Wilson
2 min readJul 5, 2024
My Record Player (Listening to Pearl Jam Vs)

Happiness is something that I believe we find in the small things the majority of the time.

Obviously there are those huge things that bring you happiness (like a vacation or raise in salary) but they don’t come around that often.

In this quick article, I’m going share some of the things that bring me happiness every day.

  • One of the biggest things I find joy in is collecting records and listening to music through my record player.

(You can see my set-up in the front image!)

  • Something that I can always rely on to bring me happiness every day is going to the gym and working out.
  • My parents just drove up to Arkansas to visit me and my sister (we go to the same college up here) and spending time with family is something that brings me happiness.
  • Spending time with my beautiful girlfriend always makes me happy.
  • Getting better at writing and playing guitar are skills I work on every day that make me happy.
  • Being around my dogs brings me so much happiness, and I’m about to go back to Texas for a month so I’ll be able to see them every day!
  • Hanging out with friends in person or on…



Jaxson Wilson

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