Top 10 Reasons Why Top 10 Lists Suck

Top 10 lists are the worst… Here are 10 reasons why.

Jay Adra
2 min readMar 18, 2016

10. They’re Easy

Anyone can write a Top 10 list.

9. They’re Short

You know there’s only ten items. You’ll probably just skim the list to see what they are without reading the actual explanation or detailed discussion. Because who wants to read a paragraph which just repeats what has already been summarised and explained in the title? Seriously, the point was clearly and succinctly defined in the title. There is absolutely no need for you to read the accompanying paragraph. It’d just be a waste of time.

8. People Won’t Remember Any Except Number One

Nobody cares about or remembers the first nine. People wouldn’t even notice if you repeated one.

7. They’re Perfect For Keyboard Warriors

When you state definitively that “these are the top ten things”, you’re inviting people to disagree with you, usually in a combative manner. It’s almost as if you want people to comment angrily…

6. Click-bait

The authors just want you to click on the article. They put little-to-no thought into the actual content. They disgust me.

5. You Have To Think Of Ten Things

Ten different things, that is. It’s not always easy to think of ten things, you know. Boats, dogs, pizza, dice, bifocals, reindeer, VHS tapes… I’m out.

4. People Won’t Remember Any Except Number One

Nobody cares or remembers the first nine. People wouldn’t even notice if you repeated one.

3. They’re Not Funny

Any attempts at humour in a Top 10 list utterly fails. It’s always trite and overdone.

2. You Learn Nothing

You learn nothing.

1. People Still Write Them

This is what sucks the most. You know why people still write them? Because people still read them.



Jay Adra

Photographer, Web Developer, Writer. I shoot on Canon, code in JS and write in English.